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Deluxe power up

Posted: 7 Jul 2019 9:22 am
by Michael Dulin
I'm wanting to up my Reissue Deluxe to 6L6's. Any recommendations on which tubes to choose, which ss rectifier and bias setting to use?MD

Posted: 8 Jul 2019 12:46 am
by Tony Prior
What are you expecting to happen by moving to 6L6's ? Its still going to be a 22 watt amp based on the power supply and Output Transformer. Bias doesn't change the HI DC, just the current rate when the amp is at idle.

What are you expecting ?

Posted: 8 Jul 2019 7:39 am
by Chris Boyd
You might try a more efficient speaker first will make a huge difference. A JBL D120, EV SRO or many other options...

Posted: 8 Jul 2019 8:45 am
by Stephen Cowell
6L6’s take a lot more filament current... a recipe for trouble. I don’t recommend this... just get a bigger amp.

Posted: 8 Jul 2019 2:35 pm
by Benjamin Davidson
Michael, what are you wanting to achieve?

Now, I've done this with my reissue for a while. It is a fundamental change in how this amplifier sounds. I biased mine within 6L6 specs and adjusted for tone - which for me was on the cool side for better headroon.

I did hear a little less breakup through 6L6, however I had a lot more heat. Due to concerns on the coupling Capacitors, I kept the tube rectifier. A solid state is going to push those voltages, again something most reissues can handle. Is the stess worth the tone, no... not for me.

I am back on decent 6V6 tubes in my reissue, and running through a Travis Toy 12 8ohm speaker (which made a much bigger change than those 6L6s).

Posted: 8 Jul 2019 2:52 pm
by Bill A. Moore
Maybe try a set of the 14 watt JJ 6V6S first, I like the set I used in my 5E3 clone.

Posted: 8 Jul 2019 4:18 pm
by Chris Reesor
If you are looking for more clean volume and headroom, the best results will be from a speaker upgrade. Changing the stock speaker to a K120 JBL gets you 4dB more, the equivalent of slightly more than doubling your power output. But the amp still sounds like a Deluxe, which it won't with 6L6 tubes, especially as the amp is driven into overdrive.
The bias supply does have enough voltage for 6L6's but the extra heat and strain on the power transformer probably isn't worth the risk for the little bit gained.
And of course you do lose the unique character of 6V6's working hard.
I ran my DRRI with 6L6 output tubes and a solid state rectifier for a few months. Nothing failed, but I found I prefer the sound of the tube rectifier and JJ 6v6's. But the K120 is there to stay.

deluxe up grade

Posted: 9 Jul 2019 3:29 pm
by Michael Dulin
Thanks for the response guys...just what I was looking for. I have upgraded the speaker to tt12, big change. I have a thread from an older post that says this change is good for a drri and easy to reverse. States that the ri can take the voltage upgrade without damage and that better response in bass and clarity will result. I like tube sound and the deluxe as it is but thought this might give it a little more oomph. Sounds like some of you have sought that too...also you have tried it and didn't get what you thought you should so you reversed. After your input I think I'll just leave well enough alone. Maybe upgrade with new tubes any thoughts on that? Thanks to all of you for your response.MD