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Author Topic:  Sho Bud Wiring help
Luke Vaught


Kentucky, USA
Post  Posted 1 May 2019 10:13 pm    
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I posted about a while back about wiring problems on my Sho Bud fingertip. I haven't messed with it much since, but I have got back into trying to fix it. The guitar has 2 pickups, and has coil taps on each one. Also, it has a selector for each or both necks. These seem to function correctly.

However,it has a pot that was tone control back when it worked, but has two wires that have come loose and does nothing now. One outside wire off of the potentiometer is black and goes to the Jack for the cable for the amp. It is soldered to the side of the Jack that the wire that comes off the neck selector switch is. The middle terminal off of the potentiometer is red and is attached to a capacitor. This cap has something like 03k printed on it. The other leg of the capacitor is broken off, and was attached somewhere and I can figure out where. The remaining outer terminal from the potentiometer has a white wire that is also hooked to nothing.

This guitar used to function correctly and I have never messed with the wiring. But over time, the two wires have come loose, and my steel sounds awful. The e9 neck is tinny and still sounds thin with the treble all the way down and bass all the way up on the amp. The c6 neck is very bassy and loud, the complete opposite of the other neck. Before these wires came loose it sounded fine. I am inexperienced with wiring but could easily solder the wires and put a new capacitor in. I just need to know where the wires need to go, and what capacitor to get to replace the old one. Thanks in advance
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Andrew Roblin


Various places
Post  Posted 2 May 2019 5:00 am    
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Why not take this great steel to Harry Jackson of Sho-Bud? His shop is near Nashville and he can adjust or repair your Fingertip as needed.

You can reach Harry through the Jackson Steel website.
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