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Author Topic:  Convert S10 P/P from E9 to C6
Steve Richter


Neenah, WI USA
Post  Posted 11 May 2006 3:05 pm    
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Looking for something of a challenge I'm changing from E9 to C6. Other than the obvious changes to the changes is there anything else I need to be aware of?

So far the only problem I see is that the larger strings on 9 & 10 don't sit in the rollers very well.

I believe I read on here once that pulling the end plate off the head stock end makes it a whole lot easier changing the rods and cranks around ... True? Do I need to take the strings off before doing any of the mechanical work?

Thanks in advance.

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Steve Richter


Neenah, WI USA
Post  Posted 12 May 2006 3:20 pm    
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Never mind ... already tore into it. Maybe they wuz stoopid queschuns. Anyhow after I saw how much trouble it would be to just move a few bell cranks around I decide to just strip it down and clean it up. It looks like a lot of the brackets for the shafts have been replaced with home made hardware and a lot of the screws have been stripped out. Is that common on older P/P guitars? How much does it affect its value? It's also been refinished ... used to be green lacquer but is now natural.
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