Fingertip Parts

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Moderator: Shoshanah Marohn

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Brett Robinson
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Fingertip Parts

Post by Brett Robinson »

Hey y’all. I’m starting to fix up a Sho~Bud Fingertip and could really use a pile of original parts. Mostly, three cross-shafts, maybe a few pedals. Interesting in anything really. I would post this in the “Want to Buy” section, but I plan on updating this thread as I progress.





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Patrick Huey
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Location: Nacogdoches, Texas, USA

Post by Patrick Huey »

My good friend David Mitchell up the road in Tyler, Texas did a fingertip refurbish a couple years ago and may still have some stuff left as it was a D10 he had to make an SD10 out of as a C6 fingertip changer couldn’t be found for love or money. If nothing else he may can hook you up with where to find parts and any technical questions you might have.
I will send you a PM on Facebook if you’d like his contact info. A more helpful and just all around great guy than David would be tough to find. Love y’alls new album by the way!
Pre RP Mullen D10 8/7, Zum 3/4, Carter S-10 3/4, previous Cougar SD-10 3/4 & GFI S-10 3/4, Fender Steel King, 2 Peavey Session 500's, Peavey Nashville 400, Boss DD-3, Profex-II, Hilton Digital Sustain, '88 Les Paul Custom,Epiphone MBIBG J-45, Fender Strat & Tele's, Takamine acoustics, Marshall amps, Boss effects, Ibanez Tube Screamer, and it all started with an old cranky worn out Kay acoustic you could slide a Mack truck between the strings and fretboard on!!
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