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Author Topic:  Fauxbro enhancement idea
Jay Coover


Nashville, TN, USA
Post  Posted 21 Dec 2018 11:54 am    
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I had recently purchased a used Fishman Aura Jerry Douglas pedal to complement my inexpensive Gretsch roundneck with Fishman resonator pickup in it. The images were supposed to be designed to work with that specific pickup and it worked as expected there. I have previous experience with the Aura on flat top acoustics so knew what to expect.

I had also noticed a lot of threads around the Match Bro and using notched EQs to get a simulation of a dobro on PSG. It turns out I happen to have a Boss GE-7 as well.

The obvious experiment was just that, immediately obvious. I set up the EQ with the notches, first one down, second one all the way up, alternating through the series, and got a sound that was as people mention, sonically similar to the frequency response of a dobro.

Following that I set up the imaging pedal, dialed in a tone with the image mix at 100%, then went back and tweaked the EQ. I also defeated most of the tone shaping qualities of the amp sim I am running this through - full range speaker, no low boost, more sparkle than a guitar amp for sure. In other words, maybe play the below example through your amp to get an idea what it might vaguely sound like.

I don't have a featherweight bar (plastic or wood) to complete the illusion as others have suggested but this is what I was able to produce. Pardon my poor beginner playing.

(You don't have to tell me it sounds great. I know what it sounds like Smile )
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