Stephen Cowell
From: Round Rock, Texas, USA
Posted 23 Nov 2018 8:07 pm
Looking toward the TSGA Jamboree in March... time to get the talent lined up and solicit donations.
If you've played the room in past years get with me and confirm for 2019. If you haven't played but want to let me know! This is the right time to do that.
We run on donations, strictly... the TSGA pays for the room, and also covers the hotel for the backup band. I buy the band breakfast and pay their daily wages, plus cover my own expenses: hotel, meals, PA, cameras, drapes, etc. Your kind contributions have made this possible every year, so please don't stop now!
Best way to contribute is my PayPal at my home email:
scowell AT sbcglobal DOT net
Looking forward to March, should be a good one! I understand PF is definitely coming this time.
We will be dedicating this session to the memory of Herb Remington, a friend of the Room. _________________ Too much junk to list... always getting more. |