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Who is on the road with Chris Stapleton?

Posted: 19 Jul 2018 5:51 pm
by Kevin Whitten
I'm sure this has been asked before. But does anyone know who may be touring with Chris Stapleton currently? Or if he even has a steel player on the road currently. I have seen Robby Turner and Steve Hinson in the past playing for him. I am seeing his show tomorrow with Marty Stuart and Brent Cobb in Vancouver Washington. And it sure would be nice to here steel in the songs that should have steel!

steel player

Posted: 19 Jul 2018 7:19 pm
by Tron Standridge
The last I heard robbie turner. what a great player!!😀

Posted: 19 Jul 2018 8:05 pm
by Kevin Whitten
Always have wanted to see Robby play live in person!! Thanks! I will find out tomorrow.