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Dylan Schorer


Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Post  Posted 7 Dec 2005 9:27 am    
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I just got a 70's Sho-Bud 12-string. It's my first 12-string, and it came with this oddball setup:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 LL LV LR RL RR
F# -F
D# --C#
G# +A
E +F +F -Eb
B ++C# -Bb ++C#
G# +A ++A#
F# -F
E -D +F -Eb -Eb
B ++C#
G# +A
E +F -D#
B +C# ---G#

It has some of the standard U12 changes, but in odd places and combinations. Anybody know the concept behind this copedant?

First thing I'm going to do is add the C pedal in position 3, add a 2nd string 1/2-step lower somewhere, then add another Eb lower on RKR. I'll also be moving the E>F raise to some other position besides LKV, which makes no sense to me.

Any other suggestions?

I'm trying to decide between U12 or extended E9.

[This message was edited by Dylan Schorer on 07 December 2005 at 09:51 AM.]

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Jerry Hayes

Virginia Beach, Va.
Post  Posted 7 Dec 2005 11:53 am    
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Hey Dylan, I'd move the lowers on 4 & 8 to the RKR and the raises to RKL. Then I'd put a lower to D on the 2nd string to the LKR and also lower the 8th string to D on the same lever. The verticle would have to lower string 5 to A# (Bb) and the LKL could do any one of a number of things. I personally tune my 2nd string to C# so the LKL is where I bring it back to D# and also lower my other B to A# (9th string for you). You need a pedal that'll raise strings 5 & 6 a whole tone each and one that'll lower string 7 a half while raising 11 a half and 12 a whole tone. You'll also need a pedal to raise string 9 to C while lowering 11 to D# and 12 to G#. That should cover most of it. Look at the tuning charts for Jeff Newman's copendan and it'll show you the best places to put those pedals.....JH in Va.

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