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Author Topic:  First Impressions: Duesenberg Fairytale
Bill McCloskey

Nanuet, NY
Post  Posted 16 Jul 2018 6:09 pm    
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Got my Fairytale today. Been playing for the last few hours so here are my early impressions.

First. It is beautiful looking, from just a pure cosmetic aesthetic. Certainly one of the most beautiful looking steels I've ever owned. Everything from the capo system to the multibenders, to the knobs/switches, the name plate: all gorgeous. Nice sturdy case. It is cool as hell looking.

Sound wise: yes, it is everything you'd hope. Rich deep sound. I'm running it through a kemper profiler with a twin reverb model. Comes in D tuning, and those low notes are just thick and rich.

The multibenders are going to take some time to get use to. my first problem was figuring out where to position the upper part of the hand pedal to fit different parts of your hand. I've tried different positions and starting to hone in, but it will also take some practice to build up the muscles to keep it down. The B lever is no problem. It is the A lever that is hard to keep down consistently, but started getting it.

Been working through Mike Brenner's tutorial and that is helping a lot. Luke Cyrus Goetze's stuff is in GBDF#AD tuning but I'll explore D for a bit before moving on to his stuff.

Very happy.
Rose D13 tuning: Cabinet by J.R. Rose with mechanics engineered by Darvin Willhoite.
Williams D10 9x9.
Mullen Pre-RP D10 8x5.
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