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Using Kindle Tablet for song lyrics & chords

Posted: 1 Jun 2018 5:09 pm
by Bill Paisley
I am using Drop box from my computer to transfer song lyrics and chords to a amazon fire tablet. The problem is the chords above the line of the words comes out at the wrong place. It maybe two or three words out of place. Has anyone had this problem

Posted: 3 Jun 2018 2:32 pm
by Jim Kennedy
I've had this occasionally, usually caused by the format of the document. I am wondering what ap you are using to view your lyrics sheets? I use a Samsung Galxy 9.8 inch tablet and an ap called Songbook. I think it was around $7.00 from the google playstore. For me it works flawlessly. It links to dropbox so changes and new sheets are not a problem. Formatting makes a difference. Songbook will read chrodpro, pdf, plain text files, and some others that I can't recall. Different special characters tell the program what to do and can effect spacing or what you see on the screen. For me, I found the easiest and most efficent file type was plain text. I have had no problems with that type of file as long as I am aware of what special charcters do. In my experience, chordpro sheets downloaded from the internet are inherently buggy. I cut and paste them to a plain text editor and edit as necessary. No problems with spacing or how the song displays using this method. There are a variety of other features in Songbook, such as auto scrolling transpose, sharing on the same network, and set lists, which work quite well. If you are not using a dedicated app to view your songs, Song book may be what you need. There is another ap called Onsong that is quite popular. The three people that I work with regularly that use this program are constantly having problems with it, and it is 3 times the price. Not a slam for Onsong, just an observation. Hope this helps.