I just wanted to say more good things about Bryan Adams. I read about him here, sent him my ’72 Emmons S10 P/P, and in short order had it back. He completely reworked the guitar and I am very pleased. If you need some work on your guitar you should give him a call.
Yes, it's a known fact the Brian is the very best when it comes to P/P's. He completly rebuilt that '71 rosewood in the picture. It plays like a dream. NR
<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Nick Reed on 20 October 2005 at 08:11 PM.]</p></FONT>
The Old guy up on that mountain (Mountain City,Tn that is) Knows what he's up too.By the way..besides Emmons..He works on Sho Bud's,MSA's,and I took my Carter up there...He figured it out. He makes preety good coffe too..and I hear tell that he brews som other good stuff in a Jar!
ole bryan is the best on pp
emmons........... hes done all my work for years and he just built me a new emmons
sd10 that has tone dripping off it
and its a real eye candy steel as well
and as a player well you just got to hear
him play he is awsome!!!
its about time for me to visit him again soon my buddy ole bryan the best
I've played Archer's guitar and it has the easiest pedal action on a pp that I've played. I'm going to get Bryan to go thru my JCH before to long and I'll echo what Mark said on his cd. Sweet.