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Jim Bloomfield


Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 12 Apr 2018 10:39 am    
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I recently started playing a U12 E9/B6. I loved listening to Junior Knight and David Wright at the TSGA. I was checking out their copedent and see they each use a pedal that lowers 8 a whole step, lowers 9 a half step, and 10 a whole step. If I'm looking at this right it would yield a 5 chord? I'd love to hear an example of this pedal and how it's used. I assume this pedal would work in a similar fashion on an E9/B6 Uni...thoughts?...Thanks.
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Christopher Woitach

Portland, Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 12 Apr 2018 3:01 pm    
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This pedal is known to Bb6 players (I’m one of them) as the “Reece pedal”... mine also (at Reece’s suggestion) lowers 5 a half step

Yes - it creates a V chord at the I position, and one of Reece’s favorite chords was to include string 11, which creates a 7th chord with the 7th in the bass. If you have a knee that lowers string 7 a whole step, it makes a 7th chord with the 7 up higher. It is tremendously effective to lower string 7 a whole step with string 12 in the bass (which on mine and Reece’s last setup is a C, just like string 1 in modern C6 tuning), which creates a iimin9, then press the Reece pedal (3 on my guitar), which makes a V7, then release to resolve to I...

There are other cool uses as well, particularly as a tritone substitution with string 11 in the bass

Brilliant thinking by Maurice Anderson
Christopher Woitach
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Jim Bloomfield


Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 12 Apr 2018 7:36 pm    
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Christopher, Thank you for the explanation. I'd like to try it sometime. It would be a longer drop (E down to C#) for string 8 on an E9/B6 but I think most guitars could do it. Thanks again.
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