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Author Topic:  bendingh a hook on the pedal rod
Brian Henry


Post  Posted 1 Oct 2005 9:17 am    
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What is the best way of putting a hook on the end of a pedal rod?
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Ron !


Post  Posted 1 Oct 2005 9:23 am    
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Use a bench screw and a Hammer.But use a hammer that is made out of rubber or nylon.


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Peter Feller


Palisades, New York, USA
Post  Posted 1 Oct 2005 9:51 am    
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A pedal rod hook is sort of like a J-bolt, so here is how I made J-bolts when I only needed a few. Get a steel tube about the same ID as the OD of the rod. Cut two sections off and taper the ends on a grinder. Clamp one piece vertically in a vise. Warm the end of the pedal rod with a torch to a reddish color, and stick it into the the tube in the vise and support it from below so that only an inch or so is sticking out. Take the second piece of tube and put it over the end of the rod. Now bend the end over to your desired hook shape. The tapered tubes, nose to nose, will allow you to make a sharp bend, and the heated rod will respond well. So, if you have to buy some tube, a grinder, a vise and a torch, you could probably have the honor of owning a $300 pedal rod. Seriously, though, if you are going to go at it with a hammer, at least don't try to work the metal cold. Get a little Bernzomatic at the hardware store, use a sturdy clamping method, and use some long handle pliers to make the bend tight. There are metal working tools, like a Hosfeld bender, that are designed to work metal cold, but they have dies and leverage adjustments. Keep it simple. Good luck.
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John Fabian

Mesquite, Texas USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 1 Oct 2005 1:06 pm    
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Modify one of these with some drill stem and you'll find bending pedal rods really easy, faster, and a whole lot safer.

John Fabian
Carter Steel Guitars
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