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bryan adams player/builder

Posted: 26 Aug 2005 5:38 am
by Mike Archer
i just wanted to take a moment
and thank bryan for building me
a great sd10pp steel!!
folks you cant go wrong with his work
hes the best!! my steel is right!!
it has that sound!!the emmons is
a real eye catcher and great tone
slso bryan is a GREAT steel player
and is right up there with any of the pros in nashville THANKS BUDDY

Posted: 26 Aug 2005 6:21 am
by Bobbe Seymour
Mike, more than true.

Posted: 26 Aug 2005 7:05 am
by David Martin
I agree with Mike. Mike and I spent most of the day last Friday with Bryan when Mike picked up his steel. His PP is a beauty and sounds and plays great. Bryan is a real technician and a super guy. This man has a wealth of knowledge of the early days and enough steel guitar momorabilia and pictures to fill a book. It was a real pleasure to spend time with him. Bryan just loves Steel Guitar and players.

Posted: 26 Aug 2005 4:14 pm
by Mike Hoover
Mike, I hear from Bryan that you had to pry his clamy hands off the guitar before you could get it out of his house and into the car. He sent me some pictures of one that he just finished, not sure if it was yours or not. You'll are right, no better PP man.


picked with Bryan in the early 60's

Posted: 26 Aug 2005 5:39 pm
by Roger Kelly
Mike and David I can agree with what you're saying about Bryan Adams being among the best, if not the best, Emmons guitar builder and repairmen, since he worked so many years there at the Emmons Factory with Ron Lashley and Fred Trogdon in particular.
He has built several guitars for me over the years and he's the one who I still take my Emmons to if I want it Tweeked up.
By the way, Bryan's CD with Dave Stout on Vocals is one of THE BEST Country CD's you can buy. Bryan still has a few left I believe, so give him a holler and order you a copy. If you like Steel and Fiddles you'll like this one!
I play my copy all the time. Here's a list of the tunes on the CD.

Posted: 27 Aug 2005 3:44 am
by Mike Archer

roger thanks for telling about
bryans cds and daves as well also he has
r/tracks for them all as well
im like you i play bryans cds all the time and enjoy them so much
dave is one of my favorite counrty singers and the songs are great on the cds
pure counrty music at its best

Posted: 27 Aug 2005 3:47 am
by Mike Archer

mike yes bryan liked that sd10 alot
i told him the day i got it for me its a keeper!!
mabe one of these days i can srape up the bucks for him to build ms another one
this one gotta last!!

Posted: 27 Aug 2005 3:50 am
by Mike Archer


Posted: 27 Aug 2005 4:22 am
by George Kimery
Let me throw in my 2 cents for Bryan. I bought an Emmons SD-12 PP from a contact on the forum. It was in like new condition, but after 30 years it was due for a tune up. Bryan did a supberb job on it. I couldn't be happier. Bryan's playing is 2nd to none. If you like straight ahead country, get his CD's and tracks. Contact him at<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by George Kimery on 29 August 2005 at 04:16 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 27 Aug 2005 8:20 am
by David Mullis
BA is THE Sh**!!! Image

Posted: 27 Aug 2005 3:47 pm
by Nick Reed
We just gotta see a picture of that Emmons!

Posted: 27 Aug 2005 6:45 pm
by Tony Dingus
Mike, I guess you better have some bibbs on hand to keep everybody's drool off your new baby and I'll add my 2 cents in on BA, he's #1. Nick, be prepared to do some drooling when you see the guitar!


Posted: 27 Aug 2005 7:29 pm
by Mike Hoover
Here is Mike's guitar. Image
There are two close up views. If you all want to see them, let me know. Mike

Posted: 28 Aug 2005 7:53 am
by Kenny Forbess
That address doesn't work for me,
any other way you know of to get a copy of Bryan's CD ?

Posted: 28 Aug 2005 7:56 am
by Mike Sweeney
Drop off the www part. He doesn't have a website. His email is


Posted: 28 Aug 2005 3:49 pm
by Mike Archer

Mike thanks so much for posting pic!!
im so glad we have good guys like you
on the forum that are willing to do
this for us
thanks buddy!! mike
bryan says thanks too!!

Posted: 28 Aug 2005 9:20 pm
by Steve Leonard
I had the honor of "test driving" Mike's guitar the day before he picked it up. It plays great and sounds fantastic. Bryan had to pry it out of my hands as I was headin' towards my truck with it. Image

Posted: 29 Aug 2005 2:48 am
by Larry Jenkins
Every thing you fellows say is so true and more. Bryan built me 6 pp's and one Legrande. My guitars play better than they did when the were first built. There is no other mechanic I would consider taking my guitar to. The guitars that he built for me are priceless to me.If you are lucky enough to have him build you a guitar,you've hit the jackpot.

Posted: 29 Aug 2005 2:50 am
by Larry Jenkins
The CD's are outstanding , I play them all the time

Posted: 29 Aug 2005 3:19 am
by George Kimery
I goofed and put www in front of Bryans email. I corrected it and Mike Sweeney also gave you the correct address. Sorry for the confusion.

Posted: 29 Aug 2005 5:52 am
by Pat Jenkins
Bryan worked on my Sho Bud a couple of years ago, it was like brand new when I got it back. What was really neat, before I took the thing back out to my van, Bryan sat and played it for about 45 minutes, just like getting my own personal concert. Bryan absolutely has the head, hands and heart to take care of these beautiful machines. A real blessing to have him with us in our area. Thanks, again, Bryan.


Waltzing Through A Rock And Roll Life!!!<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Pat Jenkins on 29 August 2005 at 06:55 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 1 Sep 2005 2:08 pm
by Mike Archer

one more time !!
this is the best emmons i have ever had!! talked to BA today and told him again
been gettin some c6 licks down on e9
has opened up a new world for me!!
i have always played some but when you use just one neck you start picking up
more licks all the way around

Posted: 1 Sep 2005 10:13 pm
by Byron Walcher
Bryan built my '74 last spring. It plays as easy and smooth as the Lashley LeGrande that I had, and is just beautiful in every way. Bryan absolutely treats you right through the whole deal. I can't say enough.

Fessenden 8x8, 74 Black Emmmons 8x8 Wood Necks, Fender Deluxe Eight, Georgeboard, Fender Steel King

Posted: 2 Sep 2005 5:08 am
by Mike Archer

well said bryon
you bet ba is the man

Posted: 2 Sep 2005 5:51 am
by Roger Kelly
Mike.....great looking Emmons! I plan on coming by ASAP to give a listen to you play the new Emmons. I'm not suprised that you like the Emmons so well that Bryan Built for you.....he only does 1st Class work!