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Author Topic:  Update on my MSA saga
Jim Sliff

Lawndale California, USA
Post  Posted 23 Jul 2005 8:20 am    
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If you've been reading my questions, the great answers I've gotteen and everything for the last couple weeks, you'll be happy to know I have the MSA Classic up and running like a clock.

It's now in Day pedal copedent, with Emmons knees. Normally hard - if not impossible - to play from what I've learned, but with these knee levers mounted so far to the right (and with a little adjustment to the LKL....I still don't know the "letter" codes for the knees...and raising the A pedal a pinch I can roll from AB to A and hit the knee lever to the left really easily.

So it's not "normal" - but it works.

now as soon as we get somee of the cost of our daughter's braces under control II can get set up with lessons. I'll keep noodling, but try not to form any bad habits that'll have to be "unlearned".

Looks like I also have a private deal set up for a Fender 400. That one I like because of the tone and by using a lowered version of the stock tuning (G6 instead of A6) I can literally play most of my dobro stuff by skipping the 4th and 8th strings. THAT is cool!!

I'm off to work on blocking -


PS - thanks again to everyone who offered and gave assistance when I ws dead in the water. I'd name names, but don't want to forget anyone. It was a nice welcome to the forum, believe me. Hope I can offer paybacks with advice on vintage amps, tubes, effects and other gadgets I know well.

[This message was edited by Jim Sliff on 23 July 2005 at 09:23 AM.]

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