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problem with old Emmons Push Pull

Posted: 20 Aug 2017 8:24 am
by Joe Babb
Working on an Emmons push pull. Not sure of its age. Is there a list of serial numbers somewhere?
I'm having trouble getting the C pedal and the E lever to balance out and in trying to get more travel in the C pedal discovered an interference between the C pedal stop screw and the little eye screw that holds the spring for the B pedal. I know these things were all built by hand one at a time so maybe that one interference shouldn't be surprising.
I can get the C pedal to work, but then the rod seems to limit the travel of the changer when engaging the E lever so it won't go low enough. Easing the rod collar on the C pedal lever then limits how much I can raise the string with the C pedal. Using .014 string. Suggestions? I've worked on push pulls before with good success. This one is fighting me.

Posted: 20 Aug 2017 8:29 am
by Damir Besic
this is a very common problem, and it is an easy fix, some guys more knowledgable will probably jump in , and help you out with that...

Posted: 20 Aug 2017 9:24 am
by Joe Babb
Fixed part of the problem. I think this one was originally set up as the Day system and I'm changing it to the Emmons system, moving the C pedal. Well, looking at what used to be the C pedal I saw that the pedal stop screw was shorter than the one on the new C pedal. Swapping them out fixed the interference issue and with more travel I'm getting the C pedal working now. Whew. Now to get the rest adjusted.
There's no separate adjustment on this guitar for the C pedal and A pedal on the 5th string. Is that normal for a push pull? (maybe showing my ignorance here, that's okay, I learn by asking dumb questions).

Posted: 20 Aug 2017 10:36 am
by Jerry Erickson
You need to make sure that there is enough travel for the lower to reach it's destination before you can set the raise.

Yes it's normal for 2 strings raising or lowering the same string. On the 4th string, you raise a whole and half tone, using a half tone tuner on the 3rd pedal for the E-F knee lever.