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Mesa Boogie Mark 1 early 1975

Posted: 9 Aug 2017 4:49 pm
by Ken Fox
By special request I am bringing serial #121 back to life. This is a rare model with reverb and no mid control. Also no graphic EQ section. From what I have found on the net only a handful were made with reverb.

All early 1975 transformers and choke. Altec speaker. Contacted Mesa and they were stumped, had no recall if seeing one quite like it.

Got it up and running this afternoon. Carlos Santa, Black Magic Woman amp for sure

Did a filter cap job, one bad preamp rube, one bad screen grid resistor and a new reverb transformer.
Going give a good checkout tomorrow and make aschemetic by hand of the amp.



Posted: 9 Aug 2017 8:31 pm
by Bob Lawrence

Would the schematic for that amp be different that this one?

Mesa/Boogie Mark I
Preamp (11kb)
Poweramp (16kb)
Mark IA (90kb)
Mark IB (52kb)
Mark I Reissue preamp (40kb)
Mark I Reissue poweramp (43kb)

Posted: 10 Aug 2017 5:04 am
by Josh Braun
Awesome - I'm a huge Mesa fan!

Posted: 10 Aug 2017 6:59 am
by Ken Fox
Seen all those schematics. I will blueprint the amp. Even Mesa did not have a schematic, as so few were built like this. Will be easy to draw up a schematic for it. Power supply and preamp are very similar to the existing schematics. Will just have to draw in the reverb section and a few other tweaks,

Posted: 10 Aug 2017 8:40 pm
by Tom Gorr

Please give more details on the Altec.. also how it sounds clean and dirty

Posted: 11 Aug 2017 6:27 am
by Ken Fox
From what I have gathered the Altec was the early first choice speaker for these amps. He also has the original extension cabinet. Oddly the original speaker was reconed to 4 ohms in the main amp. Verified with a true impedance meter.

Posted: 11 Aug 2017 10:08 pm
by Brint Hannay
I had an original "Boogie"--no "Mark" anything. The terminology when I ordered it was that it was a "Boogie Hun-Rev" ( hundred-watt, w/reverb), with graphic EQ, and Altec 12. The only option I didn't go for was the hardwood cabinet with cane grill "cloth". I went with the cream-colored Tolex.

I lived in San Francisco in 1975, and ordered it direct from Mesa/Boogie, which was the only way to get one in '75. I picked it up at Prune Music in Mill Valley, CA, the only retail outlet in the country (or the world!) at that time to pick one up. I loved it, and it was my pride and joy, until it was stolen from my car in about 1980.

I have the original schematic that came with that amp, if it might be helpful.

Posted: 12 Aug 2017 6:03 am
by Ken Fox
Wow, that is great info. Learning more with each post. A copy of the schematic would be awesome. If you can scan and email that I would be every so grateful. I started checking it against the earliest schematic I could find and there are small differences for certain.

Posted: 13 Aug 2017 10:01 am
by Ken Fox
Thanks for the schematic. I started drawing out the amp last week and I can tell this is either right on or very, very close to the amp. I will get back to my shop in Ray City tomorrow and start checking it closer

Posted: 14 Aug 2017 11:45 am
by Lefty
The speaker is like the one in my 1-15 model (only a 12). Mine has reverb but no EQ. It does have the 60/100 watt switch so I believe it to be a IIb.
Great sound, but you need a buddy to help load it.

Posted: 14 Aug 2017 9:12 pm
by Jerry Korkki
Never seen a mk1 with reverb. Bought a 60w mk2b in '80. I thought I sounded like a new guitar player. Still have it and it makes me sound like a newer guitar player. A few years back, got a 60/100w '79 mk2a that sounds even better, just weighs a lot more. I'm a Boogie man for sure. In many ways it's a heavy little amp. And from my experience, great customer service as well.

Posted: 16 Aug 2017 3:43 am
by Ken Fox
Got it back together. Old reverb tank was causing lots of problems. Temporarily checked it with a long Fender tank and it was awesome! Got a new short tank coming for it. What a sweet amp! Making me a new Boogie fan for sure.

Posted: 21 Aug 2017 5:07 pm
by Jerry Korkki
Ken, you might look for a solid wire going from the back of I think the master volume pot to the chassis. Both of my amps had some issues breaking up at volume when I added a little more bass. I replaced the solid wire with braided and problem solved. I always use another single 12" cab with my setup (I like low end) and these things sound outstanding.

Posted: 21 Aug 2017 11:30 pm
by Steven Paris
Just curious why you changed the reverb transformer. Never heard of one going bad---???

Posted: 22 Aug 2017 4:45 am
by Ken Fox
Open primary winding on the reverb transformer. Seen that a few times as well in Fendet amps. The reverb drive tube gets it plate voltage thru that winding and it was most definitely off

Posted: 27 Aug 2017 11:03 am
by Paul Honeycutt
That has to be an early Boogie, having no mid control. They were originally hot rodded Princetons, which had no Middle control, so that's it's linage.

I have a reissue hardwood cab MK I with no pull pots or graphic EQ, but has a "Tweed" setting on the power switch. I have a vintage Altec in it. It's a bit different, but pretty close in sound to the originals with some simple mods.

Glad to see that you're restoring that Boogie!

Posted: 27 Aug 2017 11:05 am
by Paul Honeycutt
A quick question. Once you get it done, is there any noise at idle? My RI has a lot of hissy noise, but once you play you don't notice it, but I'm trying to figure out if it's tubes, drifting resistors or filter caps as I'm selling it.

Posted: 27 Aug 2017 11:48 am
by Ken Fox
Amp is very quiet at idle

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 2:15 pm
by Paul Honeycutt
Thanks, Ken. I think my plate resistors are the culprit, but I'm going to start with tube replacements.