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Author Topic:  new horn at the homestead.. Pro I..
Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 15 Apr 2005 2:11 pm    
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.. Nice shiny case,,pics on it looked UNREAL,but alas, kind of a letdown in person.. pretty well worn finish.. Looks good from 8-10 feet, but man ,bar dings by the hundreds... a few nice gouges out if the finish.. end plates not bad, but a few nice scratches... I think Simi Chrome may take them out.. Mothers won't..

Pedal rack shiny,but pretty well scratched and dinged up. The finish is quite dark... It looked better in the pics.. LOTS of figuring in the wood... She has been well loved/played. some pedal wear on the non slip pedals.. What years were these pedals used ?? anyone? my mid 70's ProIII had the smooth ones...

This has a lot of Marrs parts in the undercarriage.. I am not very familiar with this type of set up... Super Pro and Marrs stuff.. very thin pull rods that are bent and clip in... It is not like the Super Pro or my older 6139..I had No trouble working on those.. this looks like it may be more challenging... It is bare underneath.. all the pedal and knee pulls have to be installed... do you bend these rods to fit?? Any help would be appreciated... I'm off now to get at least the pedals setup and get familiar with this pull system... HELP!!! bob

[This message was edited by Bob Carlucci on 16 April 2005 at 06:41 AM.]

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Lem Smith


Long Beach, MS
Post  Posted 15 Apr 2005 7:15 pm    
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Contratulations on the new arrival! Ricky Davis will no doubt be able to give you more of an exact year, but it sounds like a late 70's on through the 80's model guitar. I had a late model LDG that had those type pedals and undercarriage like you describe.

Are the pull rods all new, or have they just been removed from the guitar previously? Seems to me that if they've just been removed, you shouldn't have to bend anything to fit.

Not to worry about the dings, etc... that's just character!

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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 5:40 am    
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LEM... I am having to bend,adjust, modify everything.. This is becoming a headache...I wish I had kept the money or just bought an MSA.... bob
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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 10:34 am    
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Bob. After reading your various sagas, and thousand word complaints about everything you've bought, and thereby everybody you've bought it from, posted worldwide I've come to a conclusion..

You've probably made the top of the list of folks that no thinking person would sell anything to, bless your heart..

I have an otherwise mint condition MSA Red Baron, minus a pickup, one leg, and a few changer parts that you might be interested in. Reece built this one himself.

As is.

$4995 including shipping.



[This message was edited by Eric West on 16 April 2005 at 11:51 AM.]

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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 11:56 am    
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.. Oh really mr West... How would YOU like to have spent $375 on an amp head that has NO volume, and then the next day get a $1375 steel that was bar dinged beyond recognition,has big gouges in the finish,and a pedal rack that is full of big dings and dents, it was suposed to have 6 knees.. it has 5 and one that cannot go on the guitar as there is no room,not a big problem with that,but I found out AFTER I paid.. NOT cool.. No disclosure... anyway, I said NOTHING to the seller.. not aword about how disappointed I am with the deal.. I bought it. its my problem now.

I guess the seller is a friend of yours.. fair enough, But he said NOTHING about how worn this guitar was UNTIL he had the money, then he told me it looked better from 10 feet away than it did close up... just great..So now I'm going crazy trying to get this monstrosity working...Nothing fits right, hodgepodge of mis matched parts... and you want me to be thrilled with it... not likely...
I pay good money for good gear,and DO NOT like "surprises".. If you check electronics you'll see how I posted about a great Bassman I just bought.. I got FULL disclosure on all its problems.. NO surpises .. it was as advertised... Perhaps you didn't like my ranting about the Carter I bought last year and complained LOUDLY about.. again Mr West, how would YOU like to spend $2700, wait 3 months, and have the steel arrive the totally wrong color and with an inoperable pickup??? You'd be all smiles no doubt... John,Ann and Bud made good QUICKLY, the replacemant is the FINEST playing and sounding guitar I have had in my 30 year career, and I tell everyyone about that fact whenever I get the chance... Don't like the complaints mr. West??... DON'T READ THEM!!

[This message was edited by Bob Carlucci on 16 April 2005 at 12:58 PM.]

[This message was edited by Bob Carlucci on 16 April 2005 at 01:13 PM.]

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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 12:13 pm    
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Dear Bob.

I'm simply getting tired of your whining about everything you buy from other steel players with the same publication reach as the NYT.

Whether or not I'm a friend of Doug Jones is pretty irrelevant. He's skinned me on Rock/ Scissors/ Paper more times than I should have been.

I warned him about selling you anything because I actually am one. I don't think enough people listen to me, but that's something I live with.

Your post is probably as close to an "I told you so." as I'll get. I've got plenty of other things to do, and he probably knows I owe him one.,

I'll continue reading the Bob Carlucci Saga, with or without your permission.

In the meantime, quit your whining. THat's some real positive input, whether you take it or not.

Given all of our glaring mortality, is this how you wish to be remembered?

It's rather undignified, don't you think?

Bless your heart.

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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 12:24 pm    
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Why was was this guitar sold Mr West?? because it was a fine playing steel, that just needed to be played and appreciated?? or because it was a big fat headache that he didn't want to deal with.. I have no problem with the seller, BUT he DID NOT tell me the condition until AFTER he was paid.. I don't deal like that, NO ONE should, and yes when I feel like I've been give a crap deal. I let a LOT of people know.. Sorry Mr. West... I am not a "big timer" like you and I have to count my pennies... I DO NOT like having to take a loss on used gear.. I could NOT sell this steel for what I paid and sleep well.... I have never had a quarrel with you , how dare you demean me for something that is none of your business??... You need to learn some civility Mr West.
The world does not revolve around you,.. There are people who you may not like on this forum and thats fine, but antagonizing a forum member for complaining about gear he bought, that does not work for him, is not something most of the guys here would do.. But I forgot, you are not quite like most of the guys here...

[This message was edited by Bob Carlucci on 16 April 2005 at 01:28 PM.]

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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 12:36 pm    
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Take my advice Bob, or not.

Wanna start in on me?

Tee Up.

Why don't you just take stock of all the plusses and minuses of each and every deal you make, and find the best way to make the best of it without publicising every little petty detail?

Maybe I can even get an "Amen".

Sermon's over.

Now go do the right thing, and quit your infernal whining.

Bless your Heart.


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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 12:48 pm    
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Its my money,and I'll whine if and WHEN I want... I've made plenty of friends on this forum. They seem to put up with my incessant whining just fine.. Why does it bother you so much??..
As a matter of fact, MANY of the things I post here bother you.. Even when I'm not whining..
I'd bet my last $5 you aren't a Christian mr West... Its a funny thing,, Christians like me.. non Christians quickly develop a deep hatred for me.. I wonder why that is??.. Actually I'm a pretty likable guy mr West... I hope we can meet some day... I'll share my best cheap steel licks with you perhaps.. I've got lots of em' you know. I'll play them on my shiny new Sho Bud, with the rock solid,perfectly matched and machined undercarriage...

[This message was edited by Bob Carlucci on 16 April 2005 at 01:49 PM.]

[This message was edited by Bob Carlucci on 16 April 2005 at 03:32 PM.]

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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 1:04 pm    
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To everyone else here,, My apologies for this ugliness between mr West and myself.. just a little friendly spat... I insulted his friend I suppose...

Sorry for the rants,but As I stated, if you buy something, you want all aspects of condition and workability disclosed,, If something important gets glossed over or forgotten, the buyer generally is NOT happy,especially when serious money is involved.....
I am not angry with the seller, just as I was NOT angry with the seller of the Fender amp with no power/distortion.. just disgusted at myself more than anything else... bob
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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 2:02 pm    
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Bless your Heart, as they say.

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Jim Dempsey


Belmar, New Jersey, USA
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 3:19 pm    
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Hey Bob,---Head down to the shore Wed. night 4/20,Buddy Cage is playing Leggett's in Manasquan.I'm sure you remember that place.(next to the Osprey)-----Jim
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Stephen Gambrell


Over there
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 3:44 pm    
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Eric, you're wearing the "bless your heart" thing out. Feel free to use it occaisionally, but not at the end of every paragraph. It loses its effectiveness.
Mr. Carlucci, over in "Events and Announcements," you stated that your life was miserable, you haven't worked since November, and you were sure the Sho-Bud wasn't going to make you happy. Self-fulfilling prophecy, perhaps? The clip that you posted of your playing awhile back sounded pretty good, IMO. Play whatever guitar , through whatever amp you were using, and be happy. When we're losing guys like Jerry Byrd, Ed Naylor--Hal Rugg is battling cancer, as is Winnie Winston---your continuing complaints sound sorta petty, don't they? I know, you're feeling pretty low right now, but it'll get better.
And if not, you'll die, and go to Heaven.
Pretty good deal, huh?
Bless Eric's heart.
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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 5:02 pm    
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Well God Bless us every one..

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Farris Currie


Ona, Florida, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 5:06 pm    
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Stay out of it Farris,but everything i see you buy BOB you bitch about it. i have 4 sho-bud volume pedals,but dam sure wouldn't sell you one. and as far as the christian thing goes.we got a bunch of them in our church toooooooo.bitch about anything.
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Stephen Gambrell


Over there
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 5:52 pm    
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BTW, Bob, I'll give you 800 bucks for the Sho-Bud, sight unseen.
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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 7:28 pm    
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sorry, if you guys don't like the complaining,but you didn't spend the money.. I did, and have an amp that I can't use and a Sho Bud thats worth a lot less than I paid.. My fault for buying without playing/hearing,seeing.. I wrote nice notes to the sellers telling them I am NOT angry with them ... I blame myself for buying stuff on the net... I also think it none of your business to make comments Farris and Stephen... Don't sell me anything if you don't want to... Talk to Neil Flanz about the steel I just sold one of his students.. or any of the several other nice folks I've done business with from this forum.. No problems.. And yes Stephan, I am undergoing a lot of pain these days, but I'm hangin' in there and trying to deal with it..I DO NOT appreciate nasty comments from people that I have never said anything in anger to..
Farris, you're right.. stay out of the post if it bothers you.. I never say anything about your inane "possum" nonsense.. Its none of my affair so I read it and let it pass... Geez I am making a lot of enemies here all of a sudden.. By the way when I sell this Sho Bud... EVERY SINGLE scratch. ding and squeak will be documented for the buyers information.. If there are playability problems that remain unresolved, that will be put out front before I take payment.. sorry guys, but IMHO thats the way it should be done on the forum.. I spent a bunch of money on gear this week and the stuff is not workable without more money and lots of time...

BOTH sellers were kind enough to offer my money back so that not an issue.. I'll just deal with what I have.. In the meantime If I want to complain about a gear purchase that didn't go the way I hoped,I , I will.. if it annoys you,click off the page ... boy I hate this nastiness, don't you??.. I think we all should put a cork in it for awhile.... bob
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Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 7:51 pm    
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Bob, you bought the guitar from Doug Jones?
I also bought a guitar from Doug and I must say that Doug was completely honest up-front and was very helpful shipping this guitar overseas. Doug has excellent communication skills and our deal went smooth like silk.

I was also realistic in my expectations like: will a 1970's D10 Emmons have worn parts? Of course it will! Will a player sell me his best guitar for cheap? Of course not! I will get the guitar he no longer needs.

Obviously I had to change the copedant and adjust this guitar a bit and replace or add a couple of parts. Now this guitar is the best sounding and playing guitar I have ever had.

Thanks Doug!

Kevin Hatton


Buffalo, N.Y.
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 7:56 pm    
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Bob, coming on the forum and whining to us about your bad deals isn't going to win you any friends here. Eric is right. Everything seems to be a problem. It starts to wear on us.
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Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 8:03 pm    
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Bob, can we see these UNREAL pics?

John Phillips


Camden, South Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 8:04 pm    
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should have been corked in the begining.
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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 8:06 pm    
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Kevin thats true of course, But There are better ways to approach it than the way Eric did.. I know nobody like a complainer,,, I'll try to keep that in mind, but again Kevin.. I have an amp and a steel here that I paid good money for... Market value.. And I have to spend a lot on the amp to be usable, and the steel is just a lot less than I expected.. The [point is well taken however... In the future, I'll make more of an attempt to refrain from griping... bob
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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 8:10 pm    
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b0b or Joey.. somebody, anybody... would you kindly kill this ugly thread??? I should have kept my complaining to myself.. the guys are right...its my problem one else should have to be subjected to it. my apologies to all ... bob
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