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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 7 Apr 2005 6:17 am    
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I'll never figure it out..People will pay insane prices for junk,and some great stuff goes for peanuts or doesn't get sold.. A few days ago, I D10 Fender/ShoBud w/8+3 in Black Lacquer goes for $760!!!.. I have seen Mavericks sell for that!! well for $700 anyway,.
A few weeks back an old single raise single lower 3+1 bud [6139?] sells for close to $1200.. now there is a sweet ProI with No bids [$1150 reserve]and a GORGEOUS Super Pro with a BIN of $1700... NO bids,and a SWEET "The Professional" D 10 with an opening bid of $1100 .. NO Bids ,,I just DON'T get it.... bob

[This message was edited by Bob Carlucci on 07 April 2005 at 07:24 AM.]

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Bill Hatcher


Atlanta Ga. USA
Post  Posted 7 Apr 2005 7:05 am    
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It's Ebay. It is a universe unto itself. Informed and uninformed bidding on the same items. Folks bidding up stuff they had when they were kids and really don't care about the price, just about getting the item. Folks who live in areas that do not have access to finding some of these items will pay more to get them. There are all sorts of variables in the prices paid. Just because one item sells for a high price does not mean that other similiar items put on after that will sell for the same. It just means that there was one buyer who was willing to pay more.

In regards to the steels. There is a market for uninformed buyers who will pay more than us here on the forum for a ShoBud Mav. After all, it is a ShoBud right???---well sort of. The Fender Buds will bring good money because there is a market for vintage Fender instruments of all kinds. The same folks would not even take a second glance at a better pedal guitar for the same price ala an MSA mica guitar. Old Fender 400,1000,800,2000 guitars in great shape bring good money on Ebay---they have to be in EXCELLENT condition though--collector snobbery thing.

You can not figure out the Ebay pricing. Always a suprise.
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John McGann


Boston, Massachusetts, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 7 Apr 2005 7:44 am    
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Of course, lots of folks equate "vintage" with "cool and desirable", regardless of quality. It's like a knee-jerk response to some people.

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Ray Minich


Bradford, Pa. Frozen Tundra
Post  Posted 7 Apr 2005 7:54 am    
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The relationship between ebay prices and the rest of the market is sometimes close, sometimes worlds apart. I needed an AllenBradley PLC2-30 to repair a machining center. Got one from PLC Direct for $3000 with 1 year guarantee (just the processor & chassis alone). At the same time, from an ebay offer I bought a PLC2-30, 3 racks of 128 I/O full of cards,and the interconnecting cables, for $100. Worked perfectly...Go figure.
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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 7 Apr 2005 8:18 am    
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I just think its crazy... NO WAY should a Black Lacquer RARE Fender/Sho Bud D10 Pro model guitar sell for $760... I would say that guitar should sell for DOUBLE that.. The one or two I have seen around here were glommed in seconds!..
I bet if one were to show up in the SGF classifieds, it would be sold fast for twice the price of the one on ebay.. yet student guitars here seem to be a pretty tough sell unless they are sold REAL cheap.. I suppose I just have to stop trying to rationalize it. Thats why I buy NOTHING off ebay anymore.. Its either here or harmonycentral... The last steel I bought on ebay was faded so badly,,[although it WAS in almost mint cond. mechanically],that I sold it for LESS than I payed for it... I KNOW the finish problem CERTAINLY would have been disclosed by a forumite.. but NOT in the ebay world.... bob
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Dave Grafe

Hudson River Valley NY
Post  Posted 7 Apr 2005 11:19 am    
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I've been watching those two myself, Bob, and wondering the same thing. Two very nice 'Buds up there right now with little or no apparent interest. Regardless of what it might take to set them up, those are real good prices, maybe some savvy bidder is just layin' in the weeds, waiting for the final 40 seconds of the auction to snatch it cheap.

Dave Grafe - email:
Pickin', etc.

1978 ShoBud Pro I E9, Randall Steel Man 500, 1963 Precision Bass, 1954 Gibson LGO, 1897 Washburn Hawaiian Steel Conversion

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Herman Visser


Rohnert Park, California, USA
Post  Posted 8 Apr 2005 6:13 am    
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The key phrase on that Sho-Bub on Ebay for me is this( Selling For A Friend).It looks great but no pic.of under also. If the friend had a D-10 I feel there should be a little more info.from him.I know that the price is good,but seller claims he just the seller and the friend is not talking.At $1100. and its a piece of trash who do you turn to.
My two cents.....
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Bill Hatcher


Atlanta Ga. USA
Post  Posted 8 Apr 2005 8:14 am    
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When your looking at an Ebay auction and you don't get a good feeling from the pic, email the seller. That will give you the best barometer of him and the deal. A dealer responds quickly and will answer your questions and will give you his phone number to talk if you want it is much safer than one who either ignores your question, gives you a very vague answer and won't give his phone number. Caveat emptor.
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Kevin Raymer

Chalybeate, Kentucky, USA
Post  Posted 8 Apr 2005 9:26 am    
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eBay is most certainly a universe unto itself.

It's not only market specific, it's time specific. Auction don't really head up until the end.

I bid on an LDG on there a while back. I held the bid for 90% of the auction at $1300. In the last 40 minutes of the auction the bidding ran it up to over $2K. Wild.

Just because you see not bids up front doesn't mean there's no activity. Many buyers "snipe" auctions (myself included).

It is an interesting dynamic though.

JK Raymer, Esquire
Fesseden SD-10
Marrs S-10
ShoBud Pro III
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