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Posted: 19 May 2017 6:43 pm
by Kevin Fix
I seen Paul Franklin demonstrating a new speaker by Eminence. The part number is: PF 350. Will this speaker work Ok in a Peavey Nashville 112? The sound of the speaker was excellent with highs and lows. Great demo!!

Posted: 21 May 2017 2:35 am
by George Seymour
I just got one. Amazing speaker! 8 ohm and will be heavier than your stock speaker. The original blue marvel is 4 ohms, the 112 will stand 4 ohm just fine.

Posted: 21 May 2017 8:09 am
by Henry Matthews
George, will it fit in a 112? I tried to put a JBL 12 inck into a 112 and not enough clearance for magnet if I remember right. Been years ago.

Posted: 21 May 2017 10:43 am
by George Seymour
Henry Matthews wrote:George, will it fit in a 112? I tried to put a JBL 12 inck into a 112 and not enough clearance for magnet if I remember right. Been years ago.
Hey Henry,
Before I start running my yap about it working in a 112 I'm guess I'm not qualified to state if it would actually fit, it does have a very large magnet, weighs well over 20 pounds, but the amp could drive it I'd be pretty certain to say, solid state amps can stand opens, and 8 ohms gets closer to that mark of infinity, probably wouldn't notice much effect on volume would be my guess, but the tone of the new PF_350 is outstanding. Really, well worth trying, I've heard nothing better, my opinion, certainly.

Posted: 21 May 2017 7:50 pm
by Frank Parish
Well I was hoping it would be a 4 ohm speaker. My experience from using an 8ohm speaker in a 4ohm amp is less volume and less tone. Just my experience with BW speakers in Peavey amps. I really like the Emminence Neo light weight speakers. I was a solid fan of BW speaker but the new Emminence has great tone, more lows, brighter highs and only weighs 7 lbs in a 15" speaker.

Posted: 21 May 2017 9:06 pm
by Pat Chong
Less volume because of less wattage output.
Wattage=Voltage(squared)/R. If R is twice the normal resistance (8-ohms instead of 4), the wattage output is halved, (=not as loud).

But, you would achieve the same output power with 2 8-ohm speakers connected in parallel (an extension speaker?).


Posted: 22 May 2017 6:58 am
by Henry Matthews
I can't notice enough difference between 8 ohm and 4 ohm to even worry about. I'm sure the PF-speaker is great but looks very heavy. I go for light at my age and the sica-lite speaker sounds awesome. have them in all my amps.

Posted: 22 May 2017 7:09 am
by George Seymour
And Henry, that is ALL that absolutely matters! How it sounds to you.

Posted: 22 May 2017 10:42 am
by Henry Matthews
George Seymour wrote:And Henry, that is ALL that absolutely matters! How it sounds to you.
you got It George :)

Posted: 22 May 2017 1:17 pm
by Gary Arnold
What is the price range for this speaker ???????

Posted: 22 May 2017 1:39 pm
by Dick Wood
About $209

Posted: 23 May 2017 4:26 am
by David Nugent
A second for the Sica speaker. Tried both the Eminence 'EPS-12C' and the Telonics in my '112' as well as a BW 1201 and finally the Sica (actually purchased it from a Forum member for an extension cab, but on a whim, decided to install it in the 112 for a trial run)and in my opinion,the Sica seems best suited to this particular amp above all others mentioned (heck of a lot less expensive as well).

Posted: 24 May 2017 1:28 pm
by Gary Arnold
What size speaker box will it take for the PF-350 to fit in ? PF probably had new boxes made but do they have to be deeper ? Any body know ? Thanks, Gary

Posted: 24 May 2017 1:41 pm
by Dave Zirbel

Posted: 24 May 2017 2:14 pm
by Gary Arnold
Thanks Dave, I watched the video the other night but I didn't remember seeing the cabs, thanks, gary

Posted: 24 May 2017 2:16 pm
by Gary Arnold
I wonder if the "Little Walter" cabs are standard size or made for the PF-350. any one know ? Thanks, Gary

Posted: 25 May 2017 7:51 am
by Dave Zirbel
I think I tried this one but I think it was a prototype. It had the aluminum dust cap like jbls. My friend that builds tube amps was checking it out. I really liked it for steel. Sounded good with guitar too....super heavy!

Posted: 25 May 2017 4:27 pm
by John Goux
My understanding is that Paul uses the smaller of the two size 1-12 cabinets LW offers.

I had a larger cab built, open back, birch baffle and pine cab. I got it made with the PF-350. The speaker sounds excellent. Very classy sounding. It is balanced and smooth. Also good with overdrive.
It does not have a ton of highs. I'm going to trade the speakers into a small EV cab to see if I can get more high end, because this cab is new to me as well.

Like Paul says, your sonic recipe is a combination of pickup, amp, speakers. I've mostly used it with Fender amps. I've never owned a speaker that did not have enough highs for me, and usually run my treble between 4 and 5. Sometimes 3 on guitars. So this is new, wanting a bit more highs. And yes, I can, and do, turn up the treble.

Great speaker for jazz guitar as well.


8 ohm speaker in 4 ohm amp

Posted: 10 Apr 2018 8:00 am
by Eamonn O\'Regan
I agree with Henry Matthews. I have an 8 ohm Eminence neo speaker in my Nashville 400 and the volume difference is negligible. The tone, however, is superb.

Re: 8 ohm speaker in 4 ohm amp

Posted: 13 Apr 2018 4:15 am
by Mike Scaggs
Eamonn O'Regan wrote:I agree with Henry Matthews. I have an 8 ohm Eminence neo speaker in my Nashville 400 and the volume difference is negligible. The tone, however, is superb.
Yes, and if you have an Oscilloscope like I do and take a voltage measurement at the output, do the math you will find the 8ohms is NOT half the wattage of 4ohms. There is a difference but not half at all. You can safety run an 8 ohm speaker on a 4 ohm output transformer but it won't be quite as loud or sound quite as good but it will work. Matching impedance is always the best way if you can.