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Mullen b string sticks

Posted: 26 Feb 2005 4:52 pm
by Brian Donegan
Hello, I am about 9 months new to the pedal steel, I have a mullen that was reconditioned about 4 months ago, just recently the B sting (5 string) started to stay sharp when I release it slowly, if I take my foot off it very quickly it comes back to tune. I have done a search under "sticking B string" with no success, The guitar stays setup, and I have to admit this problem only surfaced after the steel sat unplayed for about 2 weeks. I welcome all help, comments, spelling correction,... Thanks, Brian

Posted: 27 Feb 2005 11:26 am
by Jim Bob Sedgwick
The first thing that comes to mind is the rollers on the keyhead end. Make sure the roller the string goes over is clean and rolls freely and is lubricated. That might be the only problem. It's a common problem.

Posted: 27 Feb 2005 11:40 am
by Donny Hinson
Jim Bob's right. Also, make sure the string stays straight where it comes off the nut. (This may necessitate a new string, and winding it so that it doesn't pull at an angle towards the key.) When the string pulls at an angle, the roller may bind slightly in the nut, causing the string not to return to true pitch.

Posted: 27 Feb 2005 11:54 am
by Robert Thomas
I had the same thing happen on a brand new HWP Mullen and it is an easy fix. Just contact Del Mullen @ and he will have the answer.

Posted: 27 Feb 2005 12:53 pm
by Earnest Bovine
<SMALL>it is an easy fix</SMALL>
Please share it with all of us.

Posted: 27 Feb 2005 1:55 pm
by rpetersen
I had it happen on the fouth string and loosned the return spring on the end of the changer about 2 turns and it never bothered again.

Ron Petersen &
The Keep'n Tyme Band
Mullen Universal 12 - 1975 Session 400 - Nashville 1000

Posted: 27 Feb 2005 4:15 pm
by Gary Lee Gimble
The body of your guitar may have swelled slightly with the on set of winter. Loosen the small collar that is located on the cross rod that raises your B string and move the collar towards the middle of your guitar about 1/4 of an inch. As you unwind the small allen wrench screw, you may hear a snapping noise.

Posted: 27 Feb 2005 6:19 pm
by Robert Thomas
You asked me to explain it and so I will try, but Del Mullen can do a better job.
I guess you call what I am going to talk about the fingers. The finger moves in and out of a slot or guide in the mechanism, which I do not know the name for. The problem that I had and Del determined the solution for, was that one of the fingers was binding or slightly rubbing in the slot it seated in and consequently there was enough friction that the finger would not return to its place properly. I hope that helps, since I am no expert on the mechanics of these things.

Posted: 28 Feb 2005 4:10 am
by Dave Horch
Good explanation, Robert. Well understood.

Y'all keep sharin' that Mullen love!

Mullen D-10 <font size=-1> - It's still one smooooth puppy!
Photo page:

Posted: 28 Feb 2005 4:40 pm
by Brian Donegan
Thanks you guys, I am going to try and take a look "under the hood" now I have an idea of some things to look at. I am really grateful that those of you with all this knowledge would share it, I hope I can learn enough about playing and the inner workings of the steel to one day give back to someone else, Thanks again.........and off topic, about 7 min after I posted my original question I had to take my wife to the hospital and we had our 1st baby....... and (I thought the pedal steel was complicated)

Posted: 1 Mar 2005 1:12 pm
by Thomas Bancroft
Hey Brian,
Congrats on the new addition! I have had that problem with my Mullen as well. One time the pedal rod was binding at the top because it wasn't seated in the hole properly. The other time I put the e string where the b string should have been when changing em all. Good luck with the Mullen, it's a great guitar!
What's that 4 steels in one year?

Mullen D-10, Melobar Rattler, Nashville 1000, Alesis Midiverb, Too Many Guitars!

Posted: 1 Mar 2005 2:13 pm
by Mike Mantey
I would be glad to solve the problem for you. First I need to know what was done to the guitar, as to the reconditioning. Something way not be right, that is where I would start. You can email me if you like.

Mike Mantey
Sales & Production Manager
Mullen Guitar Co., Inc.
(970) 664-2518

Posted: 1 Mar 2005 4:03 pm
by Brian Donegan
Hey Thomas, Yes it is 4 steels in LESS than 1 year ( I am ashamed to say) I had a ZB, MSA ss, Sho bud ldg, and now the Mullen, I have been playing guitar for 30 years,and also playing guitar is what I do for a living but I am new to steel , and I fell into that same trap that I see so many of my 6 string students do, and that is I think you get addicted to the gear in the begining. Instead of just practicing more you just keep buying gear. Also if you live in N.J. the only way to see if you like a steel is to buy it. I have to say I did like each guitar I had but each one had somthing that did not fit just right for me, That is until I got to the Mullen, it had the right feel and tone, it has two pickups on the single neck and a 3 way toggle, it also feels rock solid without all the heft of the MSA. The Mullen has been Great up until this problem, which from all of your replys does not seem like a big deal. I am going to check it out tonight. Thanks all

Posted: 29 Mar 2005 9:45 am
by Brian Donegan
I just wanted to thank all you guys that posted, the problem was what Gary had said it might be, I losened the collar on the cros shaft, lubed it up, and the b string is now returning back to pitch. I am not sure if some of you experieced players realize what a huge help you are to players like myself that live in parts of the country that has know music store support, this simple problem would have side lined my playing, I would have been too afraid too start unscrewing collars without the advice of you great guys. If any of you are ever in and let me know, I will buy you a beer (or a cola)Thanks again, Brian

Posted: 29 Mar 2005 10:10 am
by Al Miller

All This Is Good Advice ..
But If You Havent Been Playing Long
And Your Not To Sure About The underside Of Your Guitar My Advice Is To NOT Mess With ANY SCREWS,COLLARS,RETURN SPRINGS,ECT.. You Will End Up With More Problems Than Just A Sticky Roller or Finger..Call Del Mullen He Has The Fix Im Sure And Will Talk You Though It Step By Step .. I Have Played A Mullen Guitar For More Than 12 Yrs And Have Had Little To Any Trouble Out Of It If I did Dell Fixed It Over The Phone..
Just My Two Cents
Boo Miller