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Money's No Object: What would you buy?

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 11:02 am
by Bill McCloskey
If you didn't have to think about the price tag, what new Pedal Steel would you buy? So let's say you had $6,000 to spend on a new pedal steel, what would it be: must be a new manufacturer, not a used, classic pedal.

MSA Millenium? Something else?

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 11:08 am
by Grant Johnson
Definitely an MSA Legend D-10 in Gretsch Orange Lacquer....
Or a Black Millenium D-10...
Or a Desert Rose and GFI and still have the $$$ for a Fender Steel King!
Oh to dream!<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Grant Johnson on 14 March 2005 at 11:08 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 11:26 am
by Farris Currie
SHO-BUD they are still made.


Posted: 14 Mar 2005 11:34 am
by Ricky Davis
A Fulawka first.

Then I would try to talk Bruce into building one more all Lacquer Zum with the new Hybrid Changer like Danny Hullihen's.

Then it would be a all Lacquer Rains Pedal Steel.

Ricky Davis
Rebel™ and Ricky's Audio Clips
Email Ricky:

<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Ricky Davis on 14 March 2005 at 11:35 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 11:36 am
by Farris Currie
I should say i have read this here on the forum, and when you find out where to send your deposit, please let me know, i want to get in line tooooooooo farris

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 11:51 am
by Farris Currie
Turn it over to FORD,Bobbes news letter said need 20a week,Chevy i doubt it.Ford made the wood bodies years ago,can you imagine the steels they would turn out?? am i in trouble now?? i just pulled the plug!!!
hahahahhahhahah farris

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 12:40 pm
by Bobby Lee
First you say money's no object, then you cap it at $6,000! Now that's not exactly fair! If cost were not an issue, I would contract a major builder to design and build something very different and unique. I don't think anyone's willing to do that for $6,000.

A Sierra/Packard D-12X crossover with a pickup for each string - that would get me started. Image

<font size="1"><img align=right src="" width="96 height="96">Bobby Lee - email: - gigs - CDs, Open Hearts
Sierra SD-12 (Ext E9), Williams D-12 Crossover, Sierra S-12 (F Diatonic)
Sierra Laptop 8 (E6add9), Fender Stringmaster (E13, C6, A6)</font>

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 12:50 pm
by Ben Slaughter
I'm with Ricky on the Zum. But maybe a U12.

Zum D10, Carter U12
Twin, NV400, PODxt, G&L Guitars, etc, etc.

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 12:59 pm
by Bob Carlucci
hhmmm... 1 Fulawka
2 Lacquer Zum
3 Williams
4 Pro I... restored to like new by Marrs
actually any one of these steels would be a dream come true. I would have NO preference.... bob

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 1:11 pm
by Bob Storti
I'd buy the same Carter D10 I bought last year. It's as good of a guitar as my simple mind can imagine. Heck, I'm not worthy of this guitar - what am I going to do with a $6000 steel. Probably be afraid to play it!<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Bob Storti on 14 March 2005 at 01:12 PM.]</p></FONT><font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Bob Storti on 14 March 2005 at 01:13 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 1:30 pm
by Peter
Ed Packard's Beast, for sure!

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 1:36 pm
by Bill McCloskey
Yes bob, that was unfair of me. Image

When I started I thought, sky's the limit. I actually may have about $6,000 to spend on a pedal steel, so after I wrote that, I figured I better qualify it, in case someone suggested a pedal steel made of moon dust.

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 1:39 pm
by Jimmie Martin
brand new zum and msa not neccessariy in that order. which ever i could place my order in the fastest. dreaming aint i ?

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 1:47 pm
by HowardR
For $6000- you can buy any steel available today. I don't know what Anapegs go for these days but I'm sure you don't want to wait 3 or 4 years.

Since money is not an issue, what is the criteria then? Is weight a factor? Is the "wait" a factor? Keyed, keyless, laquer, mica? These decisions will narrow your search, but there are so many excellent builders today that I doubt you could go wrong.

Aside from that, I think you'd really have to get a fair amount of playing and playing out experience to really know the differences in pedal steels.

Let's face it Bill, want several Image because you're not gonna be happy with one. You'll always wonder about the one(s) you don't have. Oh, you can wait for the St. Louis Show and try them all, but that's 5 months away and 3 days of hotel food. Is it worth it? Image

Ok, I'm funnin' with ya'.....but it's not an easy decision. Look at all the buying and selling on this forum. Those are people just like us, Bill. They wander cyber space endlessly seeking the Holy Grail of pedal steels,....but, as Sir Perceval of Galles realized, the Grail is inside all of us.....

but if you would like, I'll loan you my S10 Carter 3&5 E9 for awhile and you can mess around with it to get used to pedal steel.


Posted: 14 Mar 2005 1:48 pm
by Glenn Suchan
I own two wonderful Emmons p/p's (D10 lacquer, S12 mica). They keep me pretty happy. But, if I had 6-grand burnin' a hole in my pocket I'd probably look for a nice, mid 70's Sho~Bud LDG. I got a chance to test drive my friend, Jim Novak's Rains SD10 this past weekend. I concur with Ricky, a Rains D10 with a lacquer finish would be a top consideration for a new horn. Image

Keep on pickin'!
Glenn<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Glenn Suchan on 14 March 2005 at 01:49 PM.]</p></FONT><font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Glenn Suchan on 14 March 2005 at 01:50 PM.]</p></FONT><font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Glenn Suchan on 14 March 2005 at 01:51 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 1:54 pm
by Glenn Suchan
Sorry, y'all. My pesky computer double posted...again!

<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Glenn Suchan on 14 March 2005 at 09:43 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 2:00 pm
by Jerry Erickson
A lacquer,loaded Fessenden, a GFI keyless D10. Maybe a mica Fessy,then I could probably get the keyless GFI.

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 2:21 pm
by CrowBear Schmitt
Marrsified Bud
Cassified lacquer Emmons
Fender T8 Stringmaster

<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by CrowBear Schmitt on 14 March 2005 at 02:21 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 2:38 pm
by Bill McCloskey
"you're not gonna be happy with one"

I don't know why you say that Howard. Just because I bought one of Rick Aiello' dustpans and a 12 string MSA Super Slide all in the last 48 hours? Image

Anyway, thanks for the offer on the Carter. I sent you a private note.

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 3:08 pm
by Bob Kagy
I'm pretty sure I'd go with a Franklin despite the wait.

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 3:10 pm
by Bryan Knox
One of each. Try them all, cull the ones that don't measure up, keep the remainder.

Then, I would send my LDG out to Mr. Marrs for a makeover and keep it under glass.
<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[Of course, it would have to be a mighty big glass so I could still fit under it and play the LDG!]</p></FONT>

<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Bryan Knox on 14 March 2005 at 03:14 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 3:37 pm
by Ron Randall
Try a Millineum M3. The latest from MSA.
OR the newest wood cabinet Millenium. Beautiful.


Posted: 14 Mar 2005 3:44 pm
by Mike Weirauch
Franklin! Come to think of it, I'm sort of getting the fever again to get a new guitar.

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 3:48 pm
by Lonnie Portwood
A new Fulawka first, Then a Derby!! Lonnie P.

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 3:48 pm
by Sonny Priddy
What About A DERBY? SONNY.
