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Author Topic:  CAD 3D software for PSG design
Karlis Abolins

(near) Seattle, WA, USA
Post  Posted 23 Mar 2005 9:14 am    
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I am trying to build a prototype PSG and want to commit my design to paper before I spend a lot of time cutting and grinding so that I can avoid the more obvious errors. I have been using Visio Technical 2D software which I find easy and quick to use. I would like to use 3D software to move to the next step but have found the low-end software hard to use and lacking features that I find indispensable (like editing x, y, z dimensions and locations).
Have any of you used software that is easy to use but doesn't cost an arm and a leg? If I don't find anything, I will probably go back to Visio and 2D.

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Robert Parent


Gillette, WY
Post  Posted 23 Mar 2005 9:40 am    
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Here are a few low cost cad software packages that might fit your application. Easy to use is a personal thing as what is easy for myself likely will not be for you. We all learn and do things different from each other. < $50.00
DesignCad 2D and 3D
Turbo Cad
AutoCad LT < $350.00

Good luch and let us know what you discover.
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