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J Hill


Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 12 Mar 2005 9:07 pm    
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I hope I can explain this....

I'm having some trouble with the the pick on the middle finger wanting all the attention. Well, its not quite that bad, but it'd be nice if with a 3 note chord that one picked string wasn't so dominant in volume. Is that because my index finger is just weaker? Its like one singer in a trio trying to prevail in volume. It that normal?

When I use the B pedal with a chord the change is almost imperceptable because the string that pedal is changing the pitch of is probably being picked too weakly (index finger). OR...the middle finger is picking with too much force (drowning out the new harmony).

I need balance here. Is it normal to not have the fingers picking with equal force? Is this a matter of just a part of learning good technique? Or is this a hopeless flaw? Thanks.
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Richard Sinkler

aka: Rusty Strings -- Missoula, Montana
Post  Posted 12 Mar 2005 9:44 pm    
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It will come with practice. I might suggest that when you practice, try just picking a string by alternating with your thumb and index finger. This should strengthen the muscles and make you more aware of how you are attacking the string with your finger. This also is a good excersize for practicing pick blocking. You might also check to see how your picks are bent and how they contact the string. One may be bent outward more than the other and picking the string like a regular flat pick while the other is curved more with the pick making more of a slide off the string instead of a pick action.

Carter D10 9p/10k, NV400
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