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Michael Dene

Gippsland,Victoria, Australia
Post  Posted 27 Feb 2005 4:44 pm    
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I am about to add the PF pedal to my LeGrande including the whole tone drop on both B strings(5&10).

I currently split tune the raise to C# (A&C Pedals) with my LKV which lowers the B's to Bb to get a C.

My question is... does the split tuning of the half tone lower affect the whole tone lower and vice versa.

I'm sort of presuming that as the split tuning screw limits the degree of lowering when the B to Bb is engaged by itself, it will probably increase the amount of travel required by the whole tone drop.

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Bobby Boggs


Upstate SC.
Post  Posted 27 Feb 2005 9:56 pm    
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Michael, you will have to back off the split tuners to allow the strings to lower a full tone.So you'll be losing your C split.Sorry.However I think you'll get a lot more use from the B to A lower than the C split.Almost everything you get with the C split you can do by sliding up 1 fret and engaging your E to Eb
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Michael Dene

Gippsland,Victoria, Australia
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2005 12:43 am    
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thanks for the info. It crossed my mind that may be the case but I was hoping otherwise!

I know there are other ways to find the notes so I'll just practise my half pedalling and think of all the possible uses for a spare lever!!!

Emmons LeGrande II D10
Peavey Session 500

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Rainer Hackstaette

Bohmte, Germany
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2005 1:12 am    
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... and think of all the possible uses for a spare lever

Why? You can still use the B to Bb lower - it won't be affected by the PF lower. Also, you can split-tune the A pedal with the Bb lower, if you use an extra raise rod to bring the Bb back up to pitch.


Remington D-10 8+7, Sierra Crown D-10 gearless 8+8, Sierra Session S-14 gearless 8+5, '77 Emmons D-10 8+4, '70 Emmons D-10 8+4, '69 Emmons S-10 6+5, Fender Artist D-10 8+4, '73 Sho~Bud LDG 3+4, Peavey Session 400 LTD, Peavey Vegas 400, Line 6 Variax 700

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Michael Dene

Gippsland,Victoria, Australia
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2005 1:52 pm    
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I was not entirely serious about a spare pedal ... I was bemoaning the loss of the split.

Could you explain exactly where the extra rod goes and how it works?


Emmons LeGrande II D10
Peavey Session 500

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Rainer Hackstaette

Bohmte, Germany
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2005 4:04 pm    
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run a rod through the last remaining raise hole of your 5th string changer finger and fasten it on the same bell crank that lowers your 5th string on LKV. Do the same thing on your 10th string, if you want to split-tune that also.

Tuning procedure:
- Tune the B-C# on pedals A and C with their respective raise tuners at the endplate (as before).
- Tune the B-A lower (PF pedal) with the lower rod that you installed for that purpose.
- Tune the split B-C#+LKV with the LOWER hex tuner (A pedal and lever engaged) - the one that you used to tune your Bb with.
- The lower B-Bb (LKV alone) will now be too flat. Bring it up to pitch with the extra raise rod (the third raise on string 5) that you just installed. Bingo!

Just be shure you have the split tuning screw that you used up to now all the way backed out.

Hope to have helped. If not, email me or, maybe better still, do a Forum search on "Split tuning" and "Carl Dixon". Somewhere in the depth of the archives there are some posts by Carl, who explains it far better than I ever could. Without him, I wouldn't even know that there is such a thing as split tuning.

Have fun,
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Michael Dene

Gippsland,Victoria, Australia
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2005 6:24 pm    
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Thankyou !!!

I'll put in the order for a couple of extra pull rods.

Seems so simple when it's all explained !!


[This message was edited by Michael Dene on 28 February 2005 at 08:23 PM.]

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Bobby Boggs


Upstate SC.
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2005 9:02 pm    
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Rainer, I follow you to here:

The lower B-Bb (LKV alone) will now be too flat. Bring it up to pitch with the extra raise rod (the third raise on string 5) that you just installed. Bingo!

It's late and I'm foggy from the flu.
But If the LKV fully engaged only goes to Bb because of the raise rod.How's it going to get to A ????????

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Rainer Hackstaette

Bohmte, Germany
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2005 5:51 am    
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the B-A lower (PF pedal) is - I assume - installed on pedal 4 and uses its own lowering rod. It has nothing to do with LKV. The method I described only works, if you have a triple raise and (at least) double lower changer for string 5. 2R/2L would be enough for string 10.

If all else fails, set the steel on its front endplate in the middle of the room and dance around it for half an hour, chanting "hey-a, hey-a, ho", while shaking a tambourine. It still won't work after that, but you'll be so entranced that you won't care.

Seriously: it will work - just trust me!

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Bobby Boggs


Upstate SC.
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2005 1:26 pm    
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Yes it will work if he's adding the B's to A to another pedal.I was under the impression his LKV was now going to be his quote unquote Franklin pedal.

And if he's not including the 6th string whole tone lower it's not the Franklin pedal.It's the Tommy White,sometimes Buddy Emmons, Mike Johnson ETC ETC pedal.

[This message was edited by Bobby Boggs on 01 March 2005 at 01:30 PM.]

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Michael Dene

Gippsland,Victoria, Australia
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2005 5:18 pm    
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Rainer and Bobby,

1) Yes the PF is on P4, and includes the G# to F#. Sorry if I didn't make it clear.. I was only asking about the split on strings 5 and 10.

2) I installed it all this morning including Rainer's extra rod for the split tuning, and it all works perfectly.

Thankyou both so much for the time and effort you have taken. When you are working in almost complete "steel-isolation", help such as yours through the forum is invaluable.

Rainer..I checked out the old post you alluded to when you got all that great help from Carl. Excellent stuff!

Bobby..It was a couple of posts of yours from about a year back that answered a lot of questions I would otherwise have had to ask. Again Thanks.

Emmons LeGrande II D10
Peavey Session 500

[This message was edited by Michael Dene on 01 March 2005 at 05:21 PM.]

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Bobby Boggs


Upstate SC.
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2005 9:29 pm    
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You're welcome.Sorry I mixed things up a bit.But I gotta ask, since your as you wrote Steel guitar isolated.How did you get rods for an Emmons so quick?Using 4 hole bellcranks?? Anyway glad it worked out for

[This message was edited by Bobby Boggs on 01 March 2005 at 09:31 PM.]

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Michael Dene

Gippsland,Victoria, Australia
Post  Posted 2 Mar 2005 12:53 am    
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Easy!! I cheated!

My C6 pedal 4 kindly loaned two of everything to the E9 side of things, and in the short term I'm only dropping string 5 a half step on LKV,hence an extra pull rod.

New ones due shortly ... I hope.

Of interest is the following. I can now get TWO tuned splits on string 5.
1)A pedal with LKV (B to Bb) tuned to C with Rainer's extra rod;
2)A pedal with PF whole tone drop to remain at B tuned with the split tuning screws, in effect only string 6 changes.

I am really looking forward to exploring the possibilities. Gee, I wish I'd started this journey 50 years ago!!

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