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country music

Posted: 6 Mar 2017 7:57 pm
by Damir Besic

now after watching this video, you tell me this garbage coming out of Nashville today is country music...

You're Right.

Posted: 6 Mar 2017 8:37 pm
by Bill L. Wilson
Ol George was Special, and ain't nuthin' like that comin' out of (so called Music City) Nashville ever again.....Who was the steel player? Looks like he's playing an Emmons.

Posted: 6 Mar 2017 8:49 pm
by Skip Edwards
Looks like Tom Killen to me.

Posted: 6 Mar 2017 10:37 pm
by Brett Day
Definitely Tom Killen.

Posted: 15 May 2017 8:48 am
by John Limbach
The world turns, styles move on and if you live long enough come back around. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be around for the next turn of the wheel. My idea of country music is from the 1930's through the mid-70's and then it pretty much ends (for me), although I do like George Strait a lot. Oh yeah, and Asleep At The Wheel, Tommy & Jake Hooker and a lot of the other folks keeping Western Swing alive.

This pretty accurately sums it up for me.....

Posted: 15 May 2017 8:54 am
by Jack Stoner
I have Sirius/XM and listen to Willie's Roadhouse and occasionally the Bluegrass channel.

I'm not knocking the musicians, just I wish they would call the current Nashville music something other than "Country Music".

Stadium Country

Posted: 15 May 2017 8:34 pm
by Walter Killam
I'd be happy if they called it "Stadium Country" current Nashville music has more in common with Stadium rock from the 70s. It's not about dancing, and I've always thought that REAL country music fans vote with their feet by getting up and dancing.

Posted: 16 May 2017 6:36 am
by John Limbach
That's what Bob Wills thought. He never let anyone forget that the Texas Playboys were first and foremost a dance band

Posted: 16 May 2017 10:04 am
by Brooks Montgomery
I call that formulaic Nashville stuff : "Nashville Pop".
That's what it is. Pop music with drawls and cowboy hats.
The musicians are, mostly, very top notch. They figured out a way to make a pay check.
Good for them . But it's not country music. Maybe I should call it "Nashville Pop for Cash". But then the Cash family might take offense.

Posted: 16 May 2017 11:49 am
by Don R Brown
I call it "SCCM" - "So-Called Country Music".

Posted: 16 May 2017 10:09 pm
by Brooks Montgomery
Don R Brown wrote:I call it "SCCM" - "So-Called Country Music".
One of my favorite Merle lines, "so-called social security"

Posted: 17 May 2017 12:27 pm
by Rich Upright
Around here we call it "Bad rock with a cowboy hat".

Posted: 19 May 2017 7:39 am
by Joe Casey
There still is some real good stuff out there....... Theres plenty of Country out there ,it's about knowing where to look 1 by Dallas Wayne and 2 by Merles youngest son Ben.and 1 by oldest son Marty. Enjoy

Posted: 20 May 2017 10:27 pm
by Walter Stettner
That's Country!

Kind Regards, Walter

Posted: 22 May 2017 9:09 pm
by Damir Besic
There is plenty of country out there?? really? I guess something must be wrong with my radio, because I sure don't hear

Posted: 23 May 2017 7:42 am
by Mark Hershey
Going to see Dale Watson play this year. Saw him play last year and the year before that. He sounds great to my ears.

Posted: 23 May 2017 9:37 am
by Kenneth Kotsay
Jack Stoner, want to escape, just Youtube country music from Europe, pick a European country, you'll flip out on what you'll be hearing & seeing. Pedal steel is all over the European country music scene. Very enjoyable music and I don't understand a word they sing.

The so called Country(Rock) bands that perform here in the southeast Florida area could not compete with vast majority of bands from Europe, it's totally amazing how the country scene has faded away down here in the last 23 years that I've been living here. Sad, but true.

I hate to admit it, but after listening to hundreds and hundreds of country groups (via Youtube)from all over Europe in the last several years, the Europeans are keeping traditional country music alive & kicking, don't dare tell me it's happening here in the U.S.of A., it's over, it' finished, lets bury it and move on.

I listen to a country station here in the Ft Lauderdale area about two weeks ago. Total songs, I heard were about 9, total pedal steel guitar featured/played, about 2 song with a total of 15 seconds for both, banjo had more play time regarding some of the songs that were featured.

I'm waiting for Trashville/Nashville to accommodate gangster rap & hip hop via country music, it's coming, it sells and they'll make billions and there might just be a need for pedal steel guitar again.

Thank God for Classic Cars!!!!!

Posted: 24 May 2017 6:19 pm
by Damir Besic
banjo had more play time

thats what it looks like to me too ... :?

Posted: 25 May 2017 12:05 pm
by Johan Bandling Melin
Mark Hershey wrote:Going to see Dale Watson play this year. Saw him play last year and the year before that. He sounds great to my ears.
Dale and the boys are great and they sure keeps it country! And so does a lot of other bands in Texas. Like all the bands on the 'Heart of Texas' label or Jeff Woolsey for example.

For Nashville the country scene seems to be a little slow at the moment but there's still great country music to be found at places like Robert's Western World and The Nashville Palace. I even heard something that sounded like country music with pedal steel when I passed Legends Corner the last time. And last week there was a great festival called the Nashville Boogie that was held at Opryland and Nashville Palace. I got to see some pretty straight forward country music there like Chuck Mead, JP Harris, Joshua Hedley and The Cowpokes just to name a few. Cowpokes also play every Tuesday at American Legion Post 82. They call it 'Honky Tonk Tuesday' and it's a great place to hang out if you like good music and some dancing. Unfortunately I didn't get to see Chris Scruggs this time around but he's always great!

Posted: 25 May 2017 7:55 pm
by Mark Hershey
Johan Bandling Melin wrote:
Mark Hershey wrote:Going to see Dale Watson play this year. Saw him play last year and the year before that. He sounds great to my ears.
Dale and the boys are great and they sure keeps it country! And so does a lot of other bands in Texas. Like all the bands on the 'Heart of Texas' label or Jeff Woolsey for example.

For Nashville the country scene seems to be a little slow at the moment but there's still great country music to be found at places like Robert's Western World and The Nashville Palace. I even heard something that sounded like country music with pedal steel when I passed Legends Corner the last time. And last week there was a great festival called the Nashville Boogie that was held at Opryland and Nashville Palace. I got to see some pretty straight forward country music there like Chuck Mead, JP Harris, Joshua Hedley and The Cowpokes just to name a few. Cowpokes also play every Tuesday at American Legion Post 82. They call it 'Honky Tonk Tuesday' and it's a great place to hang out if you like good music and some dancing. Unfortunately I didn't get to see Chris Scruggs this time around but he's always great!
Yeah, I try to catch Dale every time he makes out here and he puts on a fantastic show. I'll check out some of the artists you mentioned. I'm always looking for new music.


Posted: 25 May 2017 10:27 pm
by Joachim Kettner
I got to see some pretty straight forward country music there like Chuck Mead, JP Harris, Joshua Hedley and The Cowpokes just to name a few.
Yes JP Harris and the Tough Choices are a great band, they pretty much got the Bakersfield Sound covered. I've seen them twice. At one time he said: We play no New Country or Americana, we play Country And Western.

Posted: 26 May 2017 5:07 am
by Don R Brown
Here's a J.P. Harris sample for you, with steel prominently included.

Posted: 26 May 2017 7:12 am
by Mark Hershey
Don R Brown wrote:Here's a J.P. Harris sample for you, with steel prominently included.
That was great!

Posted: 26 May 2017 7:19 am
by Mark Hershey
I just listened to three songs on youtube by JP Harris.

They play with so much feeling. It would be amazing if him and Dale went on a double bill tour. Wouldn't that be an amazing night out? Get some bbq, a few adult beverages and listen to great music!

Posted: 28 May 2017 3:27 pm
by Savell
Lots of whining and no energy spent on doing anything about it. There is always a market for good music. When the right ones put their money where their heart is, the market will re-act. The problem with classic country right now is that no one is writing and producing new “old country” style material that the market wants to pay for.

I care nothing about setting for hours listening to the same ole songs from forty years ago. To hear a few is nice and takes me back. But give me some of the new country that doesn’t get covered up with grunge guitar and it sounds every bit as good as the 70’s.

With today’s social media options and the in-expensive home studios, there is no reason to listen to stuff you don’t like. Find the sound you like and listen to it 24/7. Pick the songs you can learn the chords to and play them. Happiness is relative.