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Fender Rumble amp I bought

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 5:15 pm
by Glenn Demichele
So, I freaked a bit when my Carvin BX500 didn't power up one morning and I realized I only had an old Roland SuperCube 40 as a bass backup rig. Carvin is fine now, but mystery remains. I went to guitar center thinking I'd buy the rumble 500 head, or maybe the combo - they all had great reviews. I played through the whole family of rumbles, and ended up with the rumble 40 : a 40w with a 10" speaker. Man, that thing is loud, and weighs only 18 lbs! It sounds hifi, super clean and fantastic with steel too. Loud enough for my corner bar country band...$200 and GC threw in both a guitar and a mic cord.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 6:56 pm
by Larry Jamieson
I was playing bass in my band a year or two back, and after trying several amps, bought a Fender Rumble 100. 100 watts,
12" speaker and about 23 pounds. I could not believe the full, clean, loud sound that amp could produce. It was more than enough for any room we ever played in. I did not believe an amp as light weight and compact could sound that good.


Posted: 18 Feb 2017 6:12 pm
by Cory Dolinsky
I just picked up the 500 watt head. I bought it as a backup amp but it really sound's great . I used it for the last three or four gigs. Great price and sounds awesome. Hers a pic of a my miniature rack setup.