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Jeremy Williams in Spain
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2005 12:21 pm    
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Bob invented these and I would love an update on how they are working out. I just reread the articles about them but I can't do a search for mentions of them in the forum because bob's signature contains the words "F diatonic" so ALL his posts show up.

Bob, or anyone else, are you still using this? For me it could be the reason to get Carter to make me another S12DB.

Jeremy Williams
Barcelona Spain.
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Jeremy Williams in Spain
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2005 12:40 pm    
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I´m sitting here with a classical guitar playing around with what can be done with those notes...and It's just another world.

I´m pretty sure I can do a lot with those possibilities because I played for months with the possibilities of U12 by transposing across to my classical guitar and when I finally touched a PSG for the first time I was up and running (very rudimentary stuff...but stuff) within minutes.

I think I'll go and look at Carter's current prices.

Jeremy Williams
Barcelona Spain

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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2005 3:49 pm    
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I still have the Sierra Olympic with the F Diatonic set up in my music room. I fool around on it about once a month, just to refresh my memory of it. I haven't written anything new for it in years.

The biggest problem is that it's hard to avoid sounding dissonant notes. I discovered that the backs of my picks often touch the string above the one I intend to pick. There a little noise that happens. On E9 or C6, that noise is almost always related harmonically to the note I'm playing, so it sort of disappears. On the diatonic, that noise is often a half step away from the intended note. UGLY sound.

So I started playing the diatonic without picks. The problem is that I have a hard time controlling my dynamic range bare-fingered. Often a note will just jump out a lot louder than the others.

I really like the diatonic concept, but I'm afraid I'll never really master it the way I'd like to. I certainly don't recommend it to anyone but the most adventurous players.

Bobby Lee - email: - gigs - CDs, Open Hearts
Sierra SD-12 (Ext E9), Williams D-12 Crossover, Sierra S-12 (F Diatonic)
Sierra Laptop 8 (E6add9), Fender Stringmaster (E13, C6, A6)
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Jeremy Williams in Spain
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2005 11:30 pm    
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Thanks bOb for that reply.

I can understand the dissonant note problem...because basically this is a harp. You have put me in a quandry though because I already play bare fingered so Im tempted (foolish me) to think I could adapt better than you.

One more question: P2 and P3 along with the knee levers are for adding the flats or sharps to change key. Fine, very logical. The P1 P4 and P5 are for getting more bass note options. In your opinion are these pedals definitive and well thought out or still in the experimental stage?

Anyway, you might have saved me a couple of grand for a second PSG...and some time to properly learn the universal (and the violin, ukelele, b*njo, guitar and ztar)

Jeremy Williams
Barcelona Spain
Carter U12 7+7
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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 1 Feb 2005 3:07 pm    
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I haven't seen any reason to change pedals 4 and 5, but I don't use them much. I use pedal 1 a lot, though. The tuning is quite complete and usable as an S-10 with 3+4.
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