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Author Topic:  professional sho-bud pedal board
Farris Currie


Ona, Florida, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2005 3:20 pm    
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thinking about doing some changing on the original pedal board.don't like the screw going thru the legs!pain to set up,and i was thinking of making slider plates,like some of the later guitars. wondering if anyone had changed theirs to something better? open to suggestions!!will it change the sound of guitar in anyway?
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Farris Currie


Ona, Florida, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 1 Feb 2005 9:46 am    
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after much study,looking why even have adjustable legs on front? seems just a tube with a collar to stop pedal board would be just fine.and with all of todays tecknlogy we could have a cam lock of some type for fast and strong clamping. farris
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Lem Smith


Long Beach, MS
Post  Posted 1 Feb 2005 8:44 pm    
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I had a steel one time where the pedal board used the screws going through the legs, and was held on by wingnuts. Instead of having to remove & put on the wingnuts everytime, an earlier owner simply cut the inner part of the legs so that only about 3 inches or so were left, and you simply loosened the clutch and slipped the pedal bar, with short pieces of legs attached, down into the front legs and tightened the clutch. This made is super easy and fast to set up the guitar, and didn't hurt the sound of it in any way. Removal was a breeze too, as all you did was loosen the clutch, slip out the two short pieces still attached to the pedal bar, and drop it in the case.

Also, the pedal rack still fit in the case with absolutely no problem.


[This message was edited by Lem Smith on 01 February 2005 at 08:45 PM.]

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