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Author Topic:  BMI Knee Lever Problem
Ollin Landers

Willow Springs, NC
Post  Posted 18 Dec 2004 3:44 pm    
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I have a S-10 BMI that I purchased about a month ago. I have never had an all pull guitar (played a 71 Emmons before this one).

Here is my problem.
I must have been a litle heavy on my RKR (lowers 4 and Cool I heard a light pop or plink sound and now the lever does not return all the way. There is a lot of play in the mechanism that connects the lever to the cross bar (paddle).

Before I take this thing apart is there someone out there that has experience with the lowers on a BMI? Any suggestions as to what may have happened and what I may have to do to fix it?

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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 18 Dec 2004 4:54 pm    
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Hey Ollin. I took out my BMI and spent some time re-familiarizing myself with the underbelly. Bottom line--no, there are no "known issues" that your description brings to mind. Could be a lot of things. There's no getting around the fact that you need to turn it over and mess around. It's a pretty simple mechanism and once you get your bearings I've got to believe that you will see what has come lose, popped, or whatever.
You will want to see if the changer finger is returning to position. Could be something hanging there. Even an old string end? Or a bent finger getting hooked up with the adjacent finger.
The cotter pin at the bell crank? The bell crank itself can work itself loose.
Many possibilities but like I said, it really might be readily apparent after some study.
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Ollin Landers

Willow Springs, NC
Post  Posted 18 Dec 2004 9:17 pm    
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Jon I turned the guitar over gave it a good long look, took the knee off and put it back on. The whole assembly felt loose so I tightened up everything from the changer end. Everything is working better.

I can't feel a stop on the "E" lower though. I think there is suppose to be one there or maybe not. I just have to feel and hear when it drops to D#. Good ear training.

The knee doesn't look stock so I think I'll give Don Fritsche a call and see if he has a knee kit or a better idea on whats going on.

By the way the plinking sound was the return spring catching.
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Bill Yoder


Orrville, Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 23 Dec 2004 12:09 pm    
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Olin,The stop on your bmi knee lever is on the adjustable screw that hits the body.
Bill Yoder
bmi s10 (love it)
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