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electronics and wanted to buy

Posted: 28 Sep 2016 7:08 am
by Rod Bailey
I was wondering if any one out there knows how to repair an old Ibanez phase tone pt 909 ? mine was working fine at the end of a job and the next time I went to use it , nothing ! I sent it back to Ibanez ( now Hoshino U.S.A. ) and they informed me that a chip was bad , so replaced it . It still didn't work and they have tried several things ( even re- soldered the board ) but can not get it to work . They have no idea why it won't work either so they are sending it back to me . If anyone has any ideas I would sure be glad to hear it . Also if any one might have one in "good condition ) that they would like to part with I would be interested. Thanks for your time . Rod
I can be reached at ( 406 ) 350--1918 or my email :

Posted: 28 Sep 2016 8:09 am
by Jack Stoner

Posted: 28 Sep 2016 12:48 pm
by ajm
You didn't say what the problem is.
Does the LED light up?
Is there any sound in the bypass mode?
Is there any sound in the effect mode?

I don't know where you're at or what is around you in terms of local schools/colleges. I also don't know what your electronics skill levels are. That said.......

1) Print out a copy of the schematic. There are some on the internet.

2) If you are near a local school/college with an engineering department they probably have a lab with test equipment. Take it down there and see if you can persuade some student to look at it.

I gave a brief glance at the schematic. There does not appear to be anything exotic or out of date with regards to parts.

If it ultimately turns out to be the switch you probably won't find one locally. (If you did, I'd buy a lottery ticket.) Therefore, you'll need to order one. You can search the wen for Ibanez pedal parts etc etc etc, but I'd start with Small Bear Electronics.

The fact that the manufacturer of the pedal can't or won't fix it is a whole other topic.

electronics ( Ibanez phase tone repair

Posted: 29 Sep 2016 8:20 am
by Rod Bailey
thanks guys, for the replys to my thread. I should have mentioned that when it is turned on , the led light comes on, and goes off when turned off . And you can hear a very slight change in sound when it is engaged . But when it is engaged , none of the three control knobs will change " anything " , and the sound is basically the same as if you didn't have the pedal in the first place, or you had all of the control knobs turned down to zero. Like I mentioned befor, there is a very slight change in sound from being engaged from off to on---but no control of the various adjustments. So it acts like the signal starts to go part way through the path but can't go on through the various stages of the phase process . Thanks for all of the input from you guys and I will be sure to let you know if it ever gets repaired what the problem turned out to be. Rod

Posted: 29 Sep 2016 12:01 pm
by Carl Mesrobian
Don't know if anything less than running a signal through it and tracing the signal with a scope will help. I'm surprised Ibanez couldn't find it. I guess they don't have an app for that :lol:

A bad switch would not be out of the question. A very easy test with a $10 multimeter. Testing, IMHO, begins with the parts that take the most wear and tear.

I'd go on ajm's recommendation and take it to a school. Give them a "tip" for a pizza party..

Posted: 29 Sep 2016 1:26 pm
by Lane Gray
I wonder if something in the LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator, the part that makes it sweep) section broke and stalled the oscillator at the part of its sweep that sounds closest to "normal."

Posted: 4 Oct 2016 6:58 am
by ajm
Reviving this after a few days.
Any news?

Just out of curiousity, try this.

Remove the bottom cover and see if the pedal starts working again.

Posted: 4 Oct 2016 7:06 am
by Michael Brebes
I do repairs as long as the schematic is available.

electronics and wanted to buy

Posted: 5 Oct 2016 7:44 am
by Rod Bailey
Nothing yet on the phase tone as it's still on it's way back to me . I will share any new info I get when I find anything new with it. I played a job this past weekend with a guy who runs a recording studio , and he has a friend that is supposed to be good with electronics and sound equip., so I will let him take a shot at it and see what we get . Rod