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***Kansas Steel Guitar Invited Players List***

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 9:12 am
by ray qualls
1.Paul Troop(con)
2.Glen Vaughn(con)
3.Johnny Rose(con)
4.Rick Miller(con)
5.Mike McGee(con)
6.Wes Medlen(con)
7.Jerry Roller(con)
8.Tony Tipton(con)
9.Jerry Foster(con)
10.Jerry Newberry(con)
11.Janet Wise(con)
12.Benny Haynes(con)
13.Lee Ogle(con)
14.Doug Hudson(con)
15.Larry Gerdeman(con)
16.Rick Eaves(con)
17.Clovis Richards(con)
18.Dick Hitchcock(con)
19.Lonnie Detmer(con)
20.Wayne Morton(con)
21.Terry Wood(con)
22.Corky Davis(con)
23.Mike Beasley(con)
24.Gene Crain(con)
25.Bob DeMoss(con)
26.Fred Justice(con)
27.The Hanleys(con)
28.Jack Musgrave(con)
29.Larry Garrett(con)
30.Jacob King(con)
31.Keith Hilton(con)
32.Marty Neer(con)
33.Dewain May(con)
34.Allen Cain(con)
35.Ray Jenkins(con)
36.JoAnn Kreder(con)
37.Rick Crow(con)
38.Scotty Henderson(con)

Subject to change.

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 5:30 pm
by Keith Hilton
Ray, please add me as a confirmed player.

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 6:46 pm
by Wesley Medlen
Ray confirm me please. Thanks Wes

Great lookin line up

Posted: 30 Aug 2016 12:52 pm
by Joe Naylor
Great lookin line up.

This is a great show if you are anywhere close do not miss it.

Joe Naylor

Posted: 30 Aug 2016 7:11 pm
by Fred Justice
Ray, thank you for inviting me to this years "Route 66" Steel Guitar Show.
Heck I wouldn't miss this one even if I wasn't playing.
You, Lee and all the girls & boys there always have the greatest show there is.
If you've never been to one of these, make this your first and I guarantee it won't be your last. :D


Posted: 30 Aug 2016 9:00 pm
by Jerry Foster
thanks for the invite, I agree with Fred J. this is by far one of the best steel guitar shows I have ever been invited to. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at this great event. take care & God Bless, Jerry & Dee Foster

Posted: 30 Aug 2016 9:02 pm
by Larry Garrett
Ray please mark me as confirmed. I'm looking forward to another fine show. It always is.
Larry :D

Kansas Show

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 5:36 am
by Michael Beasley
Ray, look forward to being there and visiting with friends. See you soon. Thanks again for the invite.

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 5:03 pm
by Keith Hilton
Ray, if possible I would like to play on Sunday 11:00 AM or later. I play Saturday night at a dance in Branson, and will be driving to Baxter on Sunday morning.

Baxter show

Posted: 1 Sep 2016 7:52 am
by Tony Tipton
Ray, please confirm me . I'll need a Saturday slot , sometime before 2 . Thanks for the invite and looking forward to it !

Baxter Show

Posted: 2 Sep 2016 6:50 am
by C.D. Richards
Ray please mark me confirmed. Really looking forward to the show.
Thanks Clovis

Kansas Steel Event

Posted: 3 Sep 2016 11:56 am
by Michael Foley
Where can I find a flyer for this event so I can find out the details?

Posted: 3 Sep 2016 12:54 pm
by ray qualls
The show is Sept. 30 and Oct.1st & 2nd in Baxter Springs, Kansas at the Community Building at 11th. St & East Ave. I'll be posting the players time schedule next week. We don't put out any flyers. Hope you can make it. Ray.


Posted: 4 Sep 2016 7:17 am
by Joe Naylor
September is here this show is just around the corner. Do not miss it. It is a great show.

Great people, great music and ......... lots of great food. 😀

See ya there

Joe Naylor

Posted: 4 Sep 2016 4:50 pm
by Bobby DeMoss
See ya all there. :)

Posted: 4 Sep 2016 8:18 pm
by Jack Musgrave
put me down to play also Ray!

Baxter Springs Show

Posted: 6 Sep 2016 6:57 am
by Allen Cain
Ray count me in. I'm looking forward to the Shoe

Posted: 7 Sep 2016 12:09 am
by Benny J Haynes
Can't wait to see all of you again. Hope I will do better this year. :roll:

Posted: 8 Sep 2016 6:38 pm
by Ron Frederiksen
Hey Ray, I hate to do it but UN-(con) me. I just found out I have to play Thurs. Fri. Sat. and Sunday. Sure was planning to be there. See you all next year, have a great show. !!!!

Posted: 13 Sep 2016 8:49 pm
by JoAnn Kreder
I'm so looking forward to playing this show! We were there in the audience last year and enjoyed so many good players, in addition to being warmly welcomed by everyone! Some of my favorite players are on the schedule. We heard one of them this evening, Keith Hilton and his 6 piece band, had the crowd up dancing all evening to their great music. See everyone in a couple weeks!

Posted: 14 Sep 2016 9:32 am
by Keith Hilton
JoAnn, it was good to see you, and your husband, at the Dance lastnight. I am glad you are getting to play the Baxter Springs Show. Some of the best people in the world run this show. I am looking forward to hearing you play JoAnn. When you played the Branson Show I was impressed with your playing, you play much better than I do.
I am very fortunate to be playing in a 6 piece traditional country band. Traditional country music seems to be dying with the people that love it. Hope you liked our version of Dale Watson's, "I Lie When I Drink". Also, JoAnn you got to hear two songs we had never tried to play before. "Rockin Robin" and "Boney Meronie". It has been a while since those two songs were on the radio.


Posted: 15 Sep 2016 5:22 pm
by Terry Bethel
If you have room for me , I would love to play your show again,
I can hang out with Fred J ,, let me know
Terry Bethel

Posted: 16 Sep 2016 6:53 pm
by Ron Funk
Where can details of show be found?

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 1:21 pm
by Chubby Howard
With Terry Bethel playing how can you not go,miss you buddy hope all is well. Chubby Howard

Posted: 19 Sep 2016 8:48 am
by Fred Justice
OK, I'll take a try at this,

The Route 66 Steel Guitar Show,(Baxter Springs, KS.)
Sept 30th, Oct. 1st, Oct. 2nd.

Location: The Baxter Springs Community Center, at 2990 Military Ave. Baxter Springs, KS.

Don't forget about the River Party at the Spring river just 1/4 mile east of town, Starting Thursday afternoon at 4:00 PM, bring some light picnic fixins.

Now I don't have a dog in this hunt, but if ya got any more questions, call me (Fred Justice) at 480-986-2599 and I'll try to help you. See you all there.