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Larry Behm

Mt Angel, Or 97362
Post  Posted 2 Oct 2004 3:50 pm    
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Being kind of a slinky player I put a 7th string F# to F change on my RKR on my PP. I already raise it a whole tone.

When playing against a 5 chord back up 2 frets from the no pedals one position on strings 5 and 6 let them ring, strike 7th string and then drop it a half tone. The slower the song the more impact it has.

To get back to a one chord mash B to C# and release the F# lever.

Larry Behm

[This message was edited by Larry Behm on 03 October 2004 at 05:45 AM.]

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Jerry Hayes

Virginia Beach, Va.
Post  Posted 4 Oct 2004 3:58 am    
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Hey Larry,
I also raise my 7th string a whole tone and lower it a half. The 7th string lower is a standard change on a Universal tuning. It's usually on a floor pedal which also raises the 11th string E to F and the 12th string B to C#. With the E's lowered (4 & Cool it gives you the two7 chord. I don't know where your other levers are but if you can lower your 9th string to C# try this. Go to the 8th fret with the E's lowered for a G chord, release the E lowers for your C (IV) chord with the 9th string at D, back up one fret and use the lower on your 7th string for the 5 change with your 9th string still at D and then slide back to the 8th fret with your E's lowered. You'll hear the C6th sounds of this move. Have a good 'un..JH

Livin' in the Past and the Future with a 12 string Mooney Universal tuning.

[This message was edited by Jerry Hayes on 04 October 2004 at 05:01 AM.]

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