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Author Topic:  Raise and lower E's on opposite knees
C Dixon


Duluth, GA USA
Post  Posted 13 Aug 2004 6:24 am    
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This subject has been debated and redabted on this forum for years. I hope that is not the case here.

As I have stated many times, I believe that the smoothest transition from one to the other is when the E's are raised and lowered on opposite knees. I would LOVE to have them that way.

Unfortunately (as I have stated many times) I can't because there are needed combinations that I must have in order to play like I like to play.

I posted the other day that I had discovered a way to get a least "half" the best of both worlds. This morning I couldn't sleep, and I got to thinking about this for some reason. And as I thought I almost fell out of bed.

I CAN do it. I cannot wait to try it. It was there ALL the time. I want to share it with you folks.

I included only the basic U-12 tuning and the pertinent knee levers below. As I stated in the other thread, I can raise and lower the E's on my left knee AND still have a smooth transition on at least string 4. This due to the fact that I located the old pedal 6 (C6) to RKR. If LKR (E to Eb) lever is not engaged, RKR creates an F note on string 4.

This then allows me to make a smooth transition on string 4 between LKR and RKR. Now the other half. IF I split LKL (E to F) with RKR it will create and Eb! This then allows a smooth transition on string 8. The only thing it would not do is to allow a smooth transition on 4 and 8. But I don't recall ever doing this anyway.

Check it out. I am excited!:

E F Eb* F*
E F* Eb D*


[This message was edited by C Dixon on 13 August 2004 at 07:27 AM.]

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Ron !


Post  Posted 13 Aug 2004 6:47 am    
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I had this kind of set-up on my Sho-Bud when i bought it 6years ago.I had to part with that Sho-Bud because i wanted to buy a Emmons SD10 so i had to sell the Sho-Bud.Anyway on my LKR that time i could lower the G# and in combination with the E's lowered that was great.

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