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Thanks to players for 22ond SSSGC Show Siloam Spgs, Ar

Posted: 25 Apr 2016 11:02 am
by Norma Jean Lucas
I am doing this post to give thanks to all the players who made this year all possible. We couldn't have a show without you sharing your time and talent with us.These shows are like a family reunion!! :) I especially want to thank all the club members for pitching in and helping. I can't thank Donley Harrington, Larry Garrett, and Bill Myrick enough for all their hard work. It would be impossible to do without them! With Roy Rosetta on keyboard, Mike McGee steel and lead guitar, Bob Dell bass guitar and Larry Jackson on drums made it possible for players to have the best rythmn section to play with! Great job guys! Also Jerry and Venda Hanley with their Sunday Worship service completed the weekend! I think everyone was uplifted by your program. Also thanks Connie Harrington, Barbara Rosetta, Mary McGee, and Eva Myrick for your hard work for the food and drink service. I really appreciate you.

Posted: 25 Apr 2016 3:19 pm
by Jason King
Thank you Norma Jean!

Posted: 25 Apr 2016 3:41 pm
by Tony Tipton
Had lots of fun and laughs with friends . Roy Rosetta gave me the usual hard time about the Sooners ! Lol.There were a lot of great musicians . I even got schooled by 12 year old Jacob King on music theory for steel . I told him it was more than my 55 year old brain could handle ! Lol ! A great young man ! Thanks to everyone that participated and attended .

Posted: 25 Apr 2016 7:18 pm
by JoAnn Kreder
We had a great time at the show! We feel like it took a short time to make such good "old friends". There's nothing like music to bring together old friends and make such good new ones! JoAnn had a blast and appreciates the opportunity to play in the show. Thanks for everything!

Posted: 25 Apr 2016 8:48 pm
by Larry Garrett
Norma Jean, let me add my thanks to everyone who participated in our show. The fellowship with old and new friends added so much and the weather was perfect. We certainly missed Virgil and hope and pray he can be with us next time.

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 5:53 am
by Norma Jean Lucas
Jacob, you are very welcome!!! You are a very talented and well mannered young man! your grandpa Max King and Dad Jason are great musicians as well!! Hope to see you next year!!!!! :)

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 11:14 am
by Roy Rosetta
We had a great time in Siloam Springs this past weekend. The show was great and the steel players all came with their "A" game. The ladies really prepared some super food and took care of everyone with a smile on their face.
To Norma Jean and all of the officers of the SSSGA Barbara and I say "thank you" for having us at this super show. We're looking forward to next year.
...Roy and Barbara

P.S. To my buddy Tony Tipton: "Will it ever end" :lol: ;-)

Posted: 27 Apr 2016 7:02 am
by Michael McGee
Thanks, Norma Jean! Mary and I had a GREAT time, and hope that we can do it again!

Posted: 27 Apr 2016 11:00 am
by Benny J Haynes
Thanks to all of you for a great show and having me back this year. Great band as always and good friends. ;-)

Posted: 27 Apr 2016 5:56 pm
by ray qualls
Great show again. Hard to believe its been 22 years. Thanks to Norma Jean, Larry Garrett, Donley Harrington and Bill Myrick. Sure miss Virgil and hope his health gets better. Ray

Posted: 28 Apr 2016 6:07 pm
by Jeremiah Hanley
What a great weekend!!! Thanks to all of you for all your work in putting this wonderful steel convention together. We love coming to Siloam Springs!! Thanks so much for inviting us!!

Posted: 28 Apr 2016 8:35 pm
by Larry Gerdeman
I want to thank everyone involved in putting on the Siloam Springs show. I had a great time. I'm looking forward to coming back again next year. My thanks to the backup band they did a great job as usual. I want to thank Bill Myrick for asking me to come up and sing it was great singing with him again after 45+ years.


Posted: 29 Apr 2016 7:20 am
by C.D. Richards
Just want to add my thanks to the Siloam Springs club for putting on such a great show. I know it takes a lot of effort and time to put on a show of this caliber. So again thanks to everyone involved. Viv and I had a great time and look forward to next years show. Clovis & Viv

Posted: 1 May 2016 7:45 am
by Ron Frederiksen
Thanks again for the time slot, I had a really good time and enjoyed the other steelers as well. Great band and the BEST on keyboard, (ROY ROSETTA) don't get any better. Looking forward to the 23rd show. Ron.

Posted: 3 May 2016 5:26 pm
by Jerry Lee Newberry
Thanks for the invite. Had a great time.

Posted: 3 May 2016 7:21 pm
by Roy Rosetta
For Ron Frederiksen:
Thanks my friend for the nice compliment we'll see you next year.

Posted: 9 May 2016 9:14 am
by Chad Jones
Wished I could have made it but it sounds like you guys had a BLAST! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!