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Author Topic:  Roger Edgington... 2016 TSGA Rick Alexander Sessions
Stephen Cowell

Round Rock, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 16 Mar 2016 7:43 am    
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Here's Roger's set... proud to call this man my friend, Roger is a mentor to many in our neck of the woods. He comes out regularly to the steel meetings and shows us how its done, with style and taste. This man has been playing steel as long as I've been alive... his mom was a teacher of steel guitar, you might call him lucky if he was not so good. Principle steel for Billy Mata And The Texas Tradition, Roger is now a TSGA Hall Of Fame alumnus, an honor that occurred the day after this set of music. I could go on... but then he'd owe me a beer! The other personnel are:

Mark Moseley guitar
Carco Clave guitar
Charlie Irwin bass
Ron Erwin drums

The Texas Steel Guitar Association's Rick Alexander Sessions are held in memory of Rick Alexander, who ran the non-pedal room at the annual TSGA Jamboree for many years. You can find Rick's performance and instructional video on YT under the rickalexander47 and 'Rick Alexander 1947-2009' channels. Gone but not forgotten, thanks for your contributions Rick.
Too much junk to list... always getting more.
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