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Author Topic:  MSA rebuild. cross shafts / pedal bar
Terry Gann

Overland Park, Kansas
Post  Posted 22 Jun 2004 11:15 am    
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I'm rebuilding an early MSA D-10. Currently, the LKL seems too far to the right. Its well over the A pedal (Emmons ABC). It's difficult to engage the AB without pushing the LKL. She's up on the workbench and I've started pulling and moving cross shafts. Looks like there are 17 hole positions for cross shafts available. Man, I sure don't think I need to move them all! Meanwhile, on the pedal bar the 8 pedals are in the center, with one position available on the ouside edges. If I had a better understanding of the C6 neck I could probably figure this out, But… I don't know squat about the C neck yet.! Here's the question; Can my A pedal start with the second pedal on my pedal bar? Should I put the LKL on the cross shaft closest to the indent on the apron (3rd cross shaft hole)? This would put a C6 pedal on the outside left pedal. Perhaps someone has a photo or chart of their MSA underbelly?

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Jim Smith

Midlothian, TX, USA
Post  Posted 22 Jun 2004 11:27 am    
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The "normal" position for the LKL shaft is between pedals 2&3. As I recall, your pedal setup is stock, with one empty space to the left and one to the left.
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John Daugherty

Rolla, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 23 Jun 2004 4:18 am    
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Terry, can you just loosen the set screw on the LKL bellcrank and move the lever to the left a little then retighten the screw?
I know this won't move the top of the lever much but the benefit depends on where your leg contacts the lever.
I do this to fine tune my guitars for my legs.
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Terry Gann

Overland Park, Kansas
Post  Posted 23 Jun 2004 6:56 am    
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Thanks for the input. I will NOT change the cross shaft positions and stay with stock setup. My pull rods on LKL are maxed out and seem to be a bit shorter than they should be and I think that was why the LKL went pretty much straight down. I've got some new longer rods coming from Wayne Link up in Canada. I was measuring last night and if I DID move the LKL out; the space between LKL and LKR would be over a foot. Too big, right?

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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 23 Jun 2004 5:26 pm    
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Yes, a foot is too wide a spacing for the left knee levers...unless your legs are the size of fire hydrants! (LOL!)

Somewhere between seven and nine inches oughta work pretty well for the majority of players.
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