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Author Topic:  Replacing Knee Levers
Wayne Franco


silverdale, WA. USA
Post  Posted 18 May 2004 9:11 am    
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I have a 1991 Emmons Legrand II. Love the guitar. My levers are getting a little loose. I have a friend that owns a maching shop that said he could probably make them out of some kind of really strong aluminum. I doubt if that would change the sound at all and I don't know if the stronger aluminum is heavier but I sure do like the idea of never having to worry about it again. Does anyone have experience with this ? , or done anything similar?
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C Dixon


Duluth, GA USA
Post  Posted 18 May 2004 9:25 am    
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When you say loose, I assume you mean they have lost their stiffness when folding and unfolding.

If my assumption is correct, this is easily remedied without replacing the knee levers. Simple use a C-Clamp using some padding for protecting the aluminum and squeeze them together again.

Most all of them do this in time, and it is no big problem. In fact many of them have hung loose for a long time. And apparently presented no problem to the player.

If you are talking about side to side play or pivoting problems on knee levers supported by a bracket, this might need more "surgery". In some cases a simple thin washer is all that is necessary to bring them back like new again. If you are mechanically inclined, simply study how they work for a while, and often the problem can be corrected easily.

If not, then best to seek professional help.

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