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Author Topic:  Couple of questions on Sho Buds
Richard Tipple

Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 26 Apr 2004 7:17 pm    
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After pestering Ricky Davis for about 10 zillion times about different model Buds, I purchased a beautiful 1972 round front red Pro 1 Bud.
It has new Marrs bell cranks and I rodded it up myself.
My questions are, since this was my first time rodding a Bud,,,
How much rod should be allowad in excess after going through the bell cranks ? I cut them off about 1/4" ,,,,also why are there 3 holes for the pedal pull rods at the body,,the 3rd hole cant be used because the pedal stop is in the way.
Thanks in advance
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chas smith R.I.P.

Encino, CA, USA
Post  Posted 26 Apr 2004 9:01 pm    
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Richard, it's all about leverage and mechanics. All things being equal, the further the travel on a bell crank ( last hole), the more force it takes to pull it. Or, the first pedal pulls the B's up to a C#, a whole tone, the second pedal pulls the G#'s up to A, a half tone. You can think of the first pedal as having to travel twice as far to deliver the pitch, so if they both go down at the same time, the second pedal only has to travel half the distance, rod in second hole.

This also transfers to the bell cranks going to the fingers. The thinner strings require more "travel" to reach their pitches than the fat ones.

As far as excess rod, better too much than too little. I cut it twice, and it's still too short.......
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