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Fine Tablature

Posted: 24 Nov 2015 4:55 am
by John A. Russell
As many of you may know, David Hartley (UK) has been suffering from an illness for some time now. He still continues to work, but his condition leaves him tired.

I used to visit David every week and we would Jam together and I would learn so much.

I recently pulled out a tab of "Sweet Memories" that Davidput together.
I had forgotten the incredible detail he has gone to in showing every sigle note he plays in his version of this truly great song

Even if the purpose is not to play what David played, note for note, there is much to learn about style and positioning etc.

Even if you don't want Tab, listen to the above link of David Playing "SWEET MEMORIES"

Me, I am going to spend a lot of time re-studying this TAB.

Kind Regards to all

John Russell (UK)

David Hartley

Posted: 27 Nov 2015 10:14 am
by Charley Bond
Thanks Mr Russell for sharing that with us. David is great & certainly appreciated around the world, for the inspiration he gives to all of us Steelers....

Posted: 10 Jan 2016 2:49 pm
by Barry Westerfield
My prayers are with David, I just recently "discovered" him, what great inspiration for me as well as others' I recently have e-mailed him and did not know anything wrong. Stay strong David we need you doing what you love much longer

Posted: 16 Jan 2016 4:57 am
by steve takacs
Thanks, I did not know this. David if you are reading this, I send a big "Get well soon" . stevet

to david hartley

Posted: 11 Jul 2016 2:25 pm
by Gilbert Lazar
Get well soon I am so inspired

Up and Running

Posted: 16 Jul 2016 2:23 am
by John A. Russell
Thanks for your messages.
David is up and running now.
He is doing online lessons as well as selling tab/tracks.
Went to see him and Fran,took them for a Steak!
Nice to see him up and raring to go.
John Russell