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John McClung

Olympia WA, USA
Post  Posted 23 Mar 2004 12:11 am    
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Can anyone knowledgably compare the two guitars in regards to tone, mechanics, features, playability, weight, etc? Thanks.
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David Doggett

Bawl'mer, MD (formerly of MS, Nawluns, Gnashville, Knocksville, Lost Angeles, Bahsten. and Philly)
Post  Posted 23 Mar 2004 7:10 am    
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Zum has gauged nut rollers, Mullens doesn't. Other than that, Zum is one of the best out there mechanically, but I don't have first hand knowledge of Mullens. Soundwise, I can't hear a difference when other people play them. But Zum is experimenting with new types of changers that are reported to have better sound than most all-pulls.
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C Dixon


Duluth, GA USA
Post  Posted 23 Mar 2004 8:45 am    
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Both Bruce Zumsteg and Del Mullen are mechanics in the highest magnitude of the term. They BOTH build extremely high quality PSG's. And they are both gorgeous guitars.

As with ANY PSG ever built there are always pros and cons, no matter who builds it. The best is for you to sit down to both of them, and try them out. ONLY then will YOU know what is best for you.

Please remember that what another likes or says is the best, is ONLY for them. They are NOT you and you are not them.

I will only make one "pro" comment. When I have ever gone from booth to booth at Steel shows, it has never ceased to amaze me how silky smooth the pedals and knee levers "feel" on a Mullen.

Now please, I am NOT saying the Zum's don't feel good. But I just love to engage them on the Mullen more than any guitar I have ever tried out. But to be fair, there ARE also "cons" on the Mullen IMO.

This is why I believe "Consumer's Report" does it right. They Always list BOTH pros and cons when they rate any product. If anyone believes there is anything (save Jesus) that does not have a con, IMO they are burying their head in the sand.

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Ron Sodos

San Antonio, Texas USA
Post  Posted 23 Mar 2004 9:54 am    
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I bought a Zum a couple of months ago. It was basically new as the guy I bought it from never gigged with it. I didn't want to wait the year for a new one from Bruce. I have played Sho-Buds for 25+ years. I love this Zum more and more each time I play it. The mechanics are incredibly designed. What a great steel. It stays in tune and the tone is sweet. I have a friend her in Albuquerque that bought a Mullen a couple of years ago and he advised me to buy a Zum!
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James Quackenbush


Pomona, New York, USA
Post  Posted 23 Mar 2004 7:52 pm    
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I have heard from many folks that the Mullen has the smoothest action of just about any pedal steel out there .... I have never played one , so I can't say one way or the other....I recently bought a new/used Zum U-12 7+6 and I can play it with bare feet if I had to, and the knee levers are a pleasure !!...If a Mullen plays any easier than my Zum, it would have to play itself !!...My RKR is set up to drop my E's and also has a pull on string 2 so that's 3 pulls that I'm holding over...I have no problem at all holding it over, and the pull's and the return's are all very accurate ..The tone is bigger than any steel I have ever played ...I'm very impressed with it ....Jim
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Al Marcus

Cedar Springs,MI USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 23 Mar 2004 9:47 pm    
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I have never played a Zum and I would sure like to after hearing all the good things said about them.

But I have owned a Mullen and My impression was the pedal action was the smoothest, quietest, easiest action of any guitar I remembered.

Now that might have been that one guitar. As a well adjusted guitar is so important. I didn't particularily like the String separation. But maybe a new pickup would take care of

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Gary Walker


Morro Bay, CA
Post  Posted 23 Mar 2004 9:48 pm    
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My Mullen D-11 is almost 13 years old and it's still beautiful to the eye, ear and yes, I sometimes play it barefooted and I have tender feet. It just won't wear out but I may buy another just to say I have a new one.
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Gary Lee Gimble

Fredericksburg, VA.
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2004 1:13 am    
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Just how smooth is smooth? Don't you want to feel some pedal resistance?
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Jerry Clardy


El Paso, Texas, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2004 3:38 am    
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How do you contact Zum to order one? Do they have a website?
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CrowBear Schmitt

Ariege, - PairO'knees, - France
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2004 4:06 am    
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You can't go wrong w: a Zum
Nope, Zum does'nt have a website or an Email adress
too busy !
Zumsteel, Inc.
25625 S. Brush College Rd.
Harrisonville, MO 64701
(816) 380-4568

Zum D10 9/7-ShoBud Professional D10 8/4- Gibson EH150 - Nashville1000

Steel what?

[This message was edited by CrowBear Schmitt on 24 March 2004 at 04:07 AM.]

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Robert Parent


Gillette, WY
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2004 4:57 am    
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I have owned and played both brand guitars and in my opinion Zum is the winner hands-down. Email me if you would like to know more.
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C Dixon


Duluth, GA USA
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2004 6:36 am    
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"Just how smooth is smooth? Don't you want to feel some pedal resistance?"


You are correct for most players I believe. However resistance and smoothness are two different things. Next time you are near a Mullen, simply engage the pedals. I believe you will be impressed.

Again, I am NOT saying the Mullen is better than the Zum. Or Vice versa. My only comment was on the smoothness of their pedal and knee lever action.

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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2004 8:51 am    
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Carl, Gary has an Emmons, a Mullen, and I think he recently got a new Zum, as well! I think most steels can be made to be smooth. It's just a question of breaking them in, and then setting them up properly. As far as "smooth and quiet", nothing I've tried yet beats my 29 year-old plywood MSA Classic.
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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2004 11:48 am    
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Listening from the audience at steel shows, it always seems to me that Zums sound brighter than Mullens. Both are top notch instruments, played by many pros.

Bobby Lee - email: - gigs - CDs, Open Hearts
Sierra Session 12 (E9), Williams 400X (Emaj9, D6), Sierra Olympic 12 (C6add9),
Sierra Laptop 8 (E6add9), Fender Stringmaster (E13, A6),
Roland Handsonic, Line 6 Variax
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John McClung

Olympia WA, USA
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2004 9:18 pm    
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Great feedback, steelers, thanks, and more is always welcome. Is there a difference you can hear or feel between the newer Royal Precision Mullen, and previous models? Someone commented that Zum would hold its resale value better, that true?
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C Dixon


Duluth, GA USA
Post  Posted 25 Mar 2004 6:16 am    
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I would have to agree that the popularity of the Zum has increased exponentially over the past few years.

If it continues, looks to me like Bruce has got himself a real winner. Time will tell. It occurs to me that a new player looking to buy a pro steel, has got some perplexing decisions to make in order to pick "that" one.

May Jesus lead, guide and direct anyone wishing to buy the "best",

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Gary Lee Gimble

Fredericksburg, VA.
Post  Posted 25 Mar 2004 7:27 am    
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John, resale value is a consideration but should not be the main focal point when selecting a guitar. Your best analysis would be to test drive as many different guitars as you can and settle on a guitar that you feel is suited to your needs. Take your time and don't settle for anything less than what you would expect.
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Clay Vandenburg


Pueblo West, Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 25 Mar 2004 8:08 pm    
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Hi John
I have 4 different brands of steels, one Zum around 1980 model, one Mullens about the sametime frame, one Carter bought brand new by me,four years ago and two BMI's. The Zum, Mullen & carter are uni's. One of the BMI's is an extended E9 12 string and the other one is a 10 string, 3 & 4 which is my first steel I bought. But I tell you man, I love all three of my uni's very much. When I go do a gig I could (blind folded) just pick up one of the three not knowing which one I grabbed, and be happy with it. These three play extremely well, but I do use the Zum for gigs these day's. However I listened to some old recordings on a demo CD that I did a few years back for a band using my 10 string BMI, and then listened to a current CD when I was using my Carter, and honestly I could tell them apart. The band I play with however really likes the sound of the Zum the best, but I can't really tell them apart that much.The Zum and Mullen are broke in and play very easy, and I have had not problem with them Mechanically. The Carter is newer and a little more stiff (only because it's newer) but it might be that I am a little lazy with it to.
But my old BMI's, I wouldn't trade them for nothing,they are great steels. My next adventure is a Fessy. When the right deal comes along, I'm going in that the direction.
I have played almost every steel guitar that made, and I can tell you that today manufactures are all very high quality. Like Big Jim Baron told me once, there not a bad steel out these day's and I agree with him.


and someday a Fessy
and an Old beat up Harmony guitar.
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Sonny Priddy


Elizabethtown, Kentucky, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 25 Mar 2004 8:40 pm    
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Randy Carson


San Antonio, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 27 Mar 2004 8:25 pm    
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resalve value?

is based on supply and demand and the fact that bruce is always behind and pretty sure he does it all himself then he's going to stay that way as long as he keeps makin shows and taking orders.
so i truly believe zum is the best resale besides a franklin and then franklin has a two year wait because he only builds as many as he wants so there's your supply and demand again, however mullens have found away to build a little quicker and get more out there so there's more supply. however they are as smooth as it gets and the rest should be up to the picker and work on a tone no matter what ax you end up with. I know ive been on this quest for the best steel and have come to realize that im going to have to settle down on one and theres no perfect steel out there.
but i started with a mullen and have played everything and owned everything under the sun but im going to settle back down with a mullen with a true tone pickup.
mullen or zum? i say one of each
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Pat Carlson

Sutton, Nebraska, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 29 Mar 2004 2:27 pm    
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How do these guitars compare pricewise when similarly equiped? Mullen has a price list on their website.How much does a new Zum go for?
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Billy Woo


Los Angeles, CA, USA
Post  Posted 29 Mar 2004 3:05 pm    
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Regarding your question of price, first depends on what exactly you are looking for?
single 10, double 10, Universal? That being said if you're looking for a new steel, you should call Bruce directly and or Del Mullen and ask them accordingly. Used steels obviously are cheaper but again it depends on what you want..
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