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Johan Jansen

Post  Posted 23 Aug 2015 10:15 pm    
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Frans Doolaard, famous Dutch pedal steel guitar player, died on August 14th 2015 at the age of 83 (almost 84).
Scotty recognized his talent not only as a great steel guitarist but also as a player who exclusively built his own pedal steel guitars (Dooley).
On page 139 of Mel Bay’s “ANTHOLOGY OF PEDAL STEEL GUITAR by DeWitt Scott” there is a picture of Frans playing his Dooley LighTronic Stereo 10 through 10 Peavey amps, each connected to a separate pickup pole.
We will remember Frans as a true gentleman and a helpful friend, the first Dutchman with used pedals on a steel guitar.
Frans was a musical genius and he was the one in Holland who took the pedal steel guitar beyond being stereotyped as a country music instrument.
Here is a short list of Dutch artists Frans recorded with: Kilima Hawaiians, George Baker Selection, Cats, Continental Uptight Band, Pussycat (hit song “Mississippi”), Dimitri van Toren, Boudewijn de Groot, Don Rosenbaum (hit song “Swimming into deep water”).

Jan Visser/Hans de Jong
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Marco Schouten

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Post  Posted 24 Aug 2015 1:52 am    
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This is very sad news. He was such a kind person and a great player.
My condolences to his family.
JCH SD-10 with BL XR-16 pickup, Sho-Bud Volume Pedal, Evidence Audio Lyric HG cables, Quilter Steelaire combo
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steve takacs

beijing, china via pittsburgh (deceased)
Post  Posted 28 Aug 2015 6:36 am    
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So sad to hear this news.

When I lived in The Netherlands I remember hearing steel on a number of Dutch records and radio and always wondered who was playing. I'll bet a bunch of it was added by Frans and that his example spurred on other Dutch and European musicians to take up the steel guitar.

Condolences to all those close to him.
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steve takacs

beijing, china via pittsburgh (deceased)
Post  Posted 28 Aug 2015 6:38 am    
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Sorry for the double post. stevet

Last edited by steve takacs on 6 Oct 2015 11:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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Bas Kapitein


Post  Posted 4 Sep 2015 1:17 am    
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That is sad news indeed.
He had his own unique sound and very staccato blocking style. You recognized him immediately. He was certainly not the first Dutchman with pedals, Elly Baron (and maybe some others) were earlier, but he was a recognized studio musician, so he probably was the first to use it on records.
I organized 10 Peavey amps for him so he could demonstrate his famous single string pick-up. Together with his lightshow that reacted to the strings he picked, he was a one-man-orchestra. Imagine the sound of 10 amps connected to one steel guitar. Mike Brown would have loved it!. I still use
the AC blocks I made for that occasion, it is a daily reminder of a unique show and a unique person.
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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 4 Sep 2015 6:04 am     Frans
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That is very interesting. I had not heard of Mr. Doolaard before now. Early form of MIDI?
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Bas Kapitein


Post  Posted 4 Sep 2015 1:56 pm    
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Yes I figured you would be interested. This is Frans on record.

A European hit in 1972. A few years later we (inspired by the Biel brothers) had the idea of a European Steel Guitar Convention.
We used the opportunity of a big International country music TV-show that attracted a lot of steel players of participating groups. The real show was in a big theater, and we were in a smaller hall in the same building. I asked Frans to play, but he was not very willing. His band was not asked for the main show. He did tell me about this new pickup that he wounded with 10 separate outputs. I bluffed that I would get 10 amps there if he would show up. Then I contacted the Peavey importer that just was shipping the Session 400 to Europe. He agreed that it would be a great promotion (he thought we were in the main program) He did not have more than two Sessions. I was aware of that, I just bought one of the first in Europe because I was willing to settle for a head-only version. But we added 8 other current smaller combo’s. We placed Frans in the centre of half a circle of Peavey’s.
So, no midi, look at the right-end of the steel. That big box had 20 outputs 10 for amps and 10 for his lightshow.
Frans was a real showman. The sound was unbelievable. I always smile if people on this forum rave about “string separation”
The photo in the first post was taken on that occasion
The first European Steel Convention and Peavey was there to support.
That’s why I thought you would be interested.
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J Hollenberg

Vlaardingen, The Netherlands
Post  Posted 3 Oct 2015 10:13 am    
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That is indeed sad to hear. I've been many times at his place in Voorburg for taking lessons together with the late Cock Breeman. We've helped him made the pickups for playing through 10 Peavey amps.Fine musician and a very nice person.
Sjaak Hollenberg
Emmons Lashley LeGrande SD10 from 1993
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