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Buzz Evans

Posted: 5 Aug 2015 7:04 am
by Rod Bailey
Does anyone have current information on how Buzz is doing and where he is at . My last phone number he gave me is no longer in use so I have lost contact with my friend . Can he still player guitar or has he had to quit completely ? I would be very gratefull for any updated information. Thanks for your time. Rod bailey

Posted: 5 Aug 2015 4:33 pm
by Larry Dering
Check with forum member Mickey Adams. He may have had the last visit with Buzz.

Posted: 13 Aug 2015 1:45 pm
by Mickey Adams
Buzz is safe....I have spoken with this daughter..I have a direct line to them..

Posted: 9 Sep 2015 5:10 pm
by John L. McGuire
Is there any contact information, or does he want to be left alone? I used to fix all his stuff when he was in Denver in the 80's, and he spent quite a bit of time with me teaching me some of his licks on the steel. Just wish I'd kept up with it, but work beckoned... Now that I'm retired though, I wouldn't mind visiting some old friends.


(Big) John McGuire

Posted: 9 Sep 2015 7:38 pm
by George Redmon
Buzz remains one of my favorite players. Is he still in the home? Has his health improved any? His admirer's would kinda like to know. We are still very much concerned about him. Mickey give him our best.

Posted: 9 Sep 2015 10:10 pm
by John Davis
Yes, what George said......give him our best please Mickey.

Posted: 10 Sep 2015 5:09 pm
by Mickey Adams
To all of you that ask about Buzz.....I am staying in touch with him...its sporadic at times. He is in a safe place and getting along, although he has residual damage from his strokes.....I continue to convey all of your wishes for his continued well being...And I can tell you, he appreciates it immensely....