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Mullen Guitar Company

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 6:31 am
by Mike Mantey
It has come to my attention that people seem to be having issues with our Company. I will go ahead and start this thread here so you can all have it in one place.

We are a small business trying to produce the best product we can. So If you would like to publically bash our Company here is a thread just for you.

Thank You.


Posted: 16 Jun 2015 6:35 am
by Lane Gray
Mike, I don't (yet) own one of your axes.
But y'all have been out front in resolving issues when they pop up.
I've always thought that NOBODY is always perfect, and the important thing is how you correct errors.
Sure seems like you do that.

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 6:54 am
by Jeff Heard
FWIW, Mullen has been nothing but helpful to me. Just yesterday, Mike helped me via email with a knee lever setup issue on a pre-RP guitar. Great product support, even though I'm not the original owner and it's a 27-year-old guitar.

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 7:06 am
by Dick Wood
Mike, I pretty much never get involved in threads like this but since the door was opened let me ask you a question or two.

Firstly, I have never owned although I have played several Mullen models and found them to be well made easy to play instruments. I have noticed your company as well as Mickey Adams seems to respond quickly to problems.

My questions are;

What problems/complaints do you see on a recurring basis?

Are these issues design related in nature and if so, what has Mullen done to address/correct them?

Are any of these issues something that happened during assembly and weren't caught prior to shipping?


P.S. No problem if you don't feel the need to reply.

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 7:18 am
by Mike Mantey
Thank You Lane and Jeff. I have no problem answering your questions.

We do not have recurring complaints first off.
There is no design flaws in any of our models. If there were we surely would not be sending them out. Del has meticulously designed each model with computer layouts.

Probably the most common issue is Delivery. There are many times that issues come up that delay delivery of guitars, and currently is no different.

So I say this to any of you that have one on order.... We are delayed due to the tremendous amount of rain we have been receiving, this is very uncommon for our area and have been flooded away from work many times. We also had a 6 week delay in getting tuning keys in. We are trying to make sure this does not happen again. Thanks for your patience.

Every issue is different. They are far and few between, however I have been told people are talking about us so that is the reason for this post. Hope that helps out some.

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 7:39 am
by Greg Cutshaw
Shipping has long been an issue when shipping steel guitars. Perhaps shipping them the same way we always did and expecting a different result (no damage) is not logical.

I've gotten an MSA shipped in peanuts with the case sticking out one end and slightly scuffed but no damage to the guitar. I had a Williams shipped with thin cardboard and the case handle sticking out the box and it arrived perfectly. I've shipped them wrapped in overkill thick foam and in every case they've arrived perfectly. Of course my above statements of results are not very scientific. The sample size is too small and shipping results are as much a function of packing protection as they are the luck of the draw in how the shipper handles the item. The partition between the steel leg compartment and the guitar seems to be a weak point. If the case takes a drop with the guitar weight on top, it's possible to have the guitar crush the partition and cause damage. An extra support for the partition divided that transfers this force to the outside of the case is simple and effective. It can be as simple as a block of wood.

A way out of this (eliminate the shipper handling abuse) would be to design a bullet proof shipping case, pry expensive, that could be returned to the shipper and re-used. A $6,000 instrument is certainly worth the one time investment of returnable dunnage. This would of course drive up the inital shipping weight, incur the expense of buying the initial shipping containers, and add the cost of shipping the bullet proof case back to the shipper. ... teels.html

I have used the foam shown in the amps below to ship steels as well: ... 0Amps.html

The foam costs $25 a sheet and the whole process is very time consuming!

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 7:40 am
by Greg Johnson

As you know I am the 2nd owner of a PRP S-10. I gig it 2-3 times weekly, and it is a work horse. I have had only 2 minor issues that were fixed by over the phone. Of course I have called you with a load of other dumb questions and you have been a gentleman and extremely knowledgeable about not only my personal guitar but all my other issues. I plan on a new guitar this fall after this tour, and guess what, It will be a Mullen.

Thanks for all you do!

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 7:51 am
by Henry Matthews
Shipping a guitar is critical and it must be packed properly. I've had numerous cases damaged by the divider for pedal bar being broken plumb out but been lucky, no guitars have been damaged.
There should be a brace in the pedal bar and leg portion of the case and always ship any guitar I handle packed that way. I also think it's best to leave handle out also.

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 8:00 am
by Lee Dassow
If youre aiming that at me Mike, yes I had a complaint about the condition of the case when I recieved the guitar the 2nd time which I told you about. The case condition has been bothering me so
I'm mailing the case back in the condition that I recieved it in it's original box. I'll pay shipping
and you can deal with UPS. You insured it. Let me just clarify again as far as the steel guitar went you took care of everything that I mentioned on the list and I never said anything derogatory about the guitar since then. I have a perfect right to say I feel the packing of the guitar and case is not adequate for shipping. Forum members buying these instruments need to know this.T.L.

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 8:07 am
by DG Whitley
I am the happy and proud owner of a 2014 G2 SD-10, and I echo the compliments of the above posters, as I have always received above the call of duty service and advice/guidance from the Mullen crew.

Than being said I believe Mike wants to hear the issues from those who have stated previously they had problems with the Mullen company. So those are the folks that need to post.

I'll give one more compliment before I leave (flame suit ready), at least Mike and crew are willing to "air out the dirty laundry" on the Forum unlike another manufacturer most of us are aware of.

I think that speaks volumes of good will for Mullen. Transparency is lacking in a lot of places these days, it's refreshing to see a company that will allow open discussion, good or bad, in a Forum such as this.

As long as this discussion can be kept civil and providing factual rather than emotional descriptions of the issue would probably help greatly. Hope this helps.

My 2 cents, YMMV.

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 8:21 am
by Mike Mantey
Thanks for the input so far. This post is the result of hearing things on and off the forum. I personally like to grab the bull by the horns and get stuff handled.

This is an open forum and discussion so I welcome all posts.

As for you Lee this is not intended directly for you. We did discuss the case and you told me it wasn't bad and you said you could fix it. If you are sending it back then we will address the issue. You may email me regarding that.

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 8:52 am
by Lee Dassow
I'm not E mailing you, because I dont know how to do it. I told you that a while back. I know that I said that I thought I could fix it, I tried to glue the ends of the inner partition with liquid nails, But I've transported the guitar several times since and the bottom seems to be breaking loose. I'm not pumping anymore liquid nails in that case and maybe getting it on the guitar. So it's coming back to you. If you dont want to discuss this publicly Send me a d/// pm if you want to talk. Tenn.Lee

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 9:05 am
by Jim Hinds
I have had nothing but great CS on the new and used Mullen guitars that I have had the pleasure of owning. Mike has always gone out of his way to help me out and Del has worked with me on putting together a C6 copedent.

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 9:59 am
by Mike Mantey
Again Thank You all for the input.

Lee your case will be replaced. Thank You.

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 11:26 am
by Lee Dassow
Thank you Mike. T.L.

Mullen Guitar's customer service is good!

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 2:30 pm
by Roy Carroll
I own a 1995 RP SD-10 Mullen and have had an issue in the past with the guitar being a little bright for my taste. Mike and company have been nothing but helpful and have offered solutions of all kinds and have been very empathetic to my plight which has been solved with a pick up change. This guitar has been my gigging guitar 3-4 nights a week for over a year because it is light with no mechanical issues. I also own an Emmons that I use in the studio. I actually love this Mullen guitar and will certainly be a Mullen buyer in the future (if I live long enough). Good quality and great customer service! Thanks to a very good company with great employees. :D

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 4:09 pm
by Larry Baker
I bought a 2009 G2 SD10 from Mullen. Delivery was made as promised and have never had a single issue with the guitar. A great instrument. I would buy another one if I needed one. The entire Mullen crew was instrumental in designing my guitar. You can see it on their web site. Its the Red one with the inlay eagle. I love it. Larry

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 4:20 pm
by James Marlowe
Mike, I've got nothing but good to say about my RP, you and the Mullen company. I bought my RP from a friend locally. He bought it new from Mullen as a SD10, 3 + 4. I bought it from him in new and perfect condition. It was one inch taller than standard. I sent it to you for a pedal and knee lever addition plus two inch longer rods. Also I requested a modification on lever functions. You performed the work the day you received it and sent it out the same day. You also did some extra things like repositioning the leg collars and replacing the leg dowels to longer ones. I didn't expect this but was well pleased with that and the fact that all the requested work was done perfectly. A big thank you for all of it!😊

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 6:46 pm
by Bill Lowe
all the Mullen guys have always been good to me...........

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 7:06 pm
by Jim Bloomfield
When you are the top dog some will just come gunning for you.

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 10:31 pm
by Patrick Huey
I have Junior's old '95 D.-10 and I could t ask for a better is a lot more guitar than I've ever owned before lol. I've emailed Mike @ several different subjects and ordered several accessories from Mullen and I've always recieved a prompt and courteous response from Mike. Mickey Adams has gone above and beyond to answer any questions I've had re mechanical issues. Thanks, Mike, for posting re the reason for shipping delays so folks are aware of what's going on.
Mike Mantee, out of curiosity, what, if any, effect does vast amounts of environmental humidity due to unprecedented rainfall have on your production and building? Not the rain itself, but the humidity. Can that have a negative effect on the wood you build with?


Posted: 17 Jun 2015 1:43 am
by Billy Carr
I'd purchase a new Mullen and not think twice about it.

Posted: 17 Jun 2015 5:29 am
by Dale Rottacker
I’m on my second Mullen PRP from Mickey Adams, who BTW, IMHO, is a great ambassador for Mullen... His service is spectacular and he’s always ready to lend a helping hand... I’ve loved both of the ones I’ve had, and NO Mickey, you can’t have this one back... I love her TOO much!!! :lol: :whoa: :lol:

Posted: 17 Jun 2015 6:28 am
by Len Amaral
Years ago I had an RP and now I have a U12 G2 and always have a great response Mike and the people at Mullun guitars.

Len Amaral

Posted: 17 Jun 2015 6:58 am
by Patrick Huey
I'm not letting mine go either! I had kids so if I get too old and infirm to lug it around I'll have free roadies. "He ain't heavy....he's my Mullen!!" ;-)