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Author Topic:  NEED HELP concerning a ZUM repair
George Kimery


Limestone, TN, USA
Post  Posted 27 Jun 2015 12:49 pm    
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The finger on my Zum broke last night. It is the finger that moves when you lower the strings and one of the fingers that has all the heavy duty springs. The bottom end is broken, which acts as a stop. How do I remove the finger and replace it with a new one? It pivots on a brass bushing which acts as an axle. How does this bushing come out? It looks like it might could be removed with an small allen wrench, ground down to a very short stub.

Any help will be much appreciated. I am missing two gigs this weekend and two next weekend if I don't get it going. The band is not happy that I am out, but they understand.
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 27 Jun 2015 2:13 pm    
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Ouch. IIRC (I'm hundreds of miles from my Zum), in order to replace a finger, you almost have to disassemble the neck, meaning a big big job.
I'd call Bruce, just in case I'm wrong.
On the Sho-Bud, it'd be easier, since you can drive the axle out instead of having to remove the pillow blocks.
If you have pictures, it might help.
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