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Author Topic:  What is a Duet?
Alan Brookes

Brummy living in Southern California
Post  Posted 26 May 2015 11:04 am    
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To my mind, a duet is where two players play parts which dovetail into each other. For instance, if there are two steel guitarists, the one should play the tune, whilst the second should treat the first guitarist as though he were the vocalist and play a backing. If the one steel guitarist plays and then the other one comes in afterwards, that's not a duet, it's a sequence.
I give below an example of what I consider a sequence. Basil is playing pedal steel and I'm playing non-pedal. The difference is very obvous. (Apart from the fact that Basil has a lot more talent that I do.)
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Barry Blackwood

Post  Posted 26 May 2015 5:29 pm    
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If the one steel guitarist plays and then the other one comes in afterwards, that's not a duet, it's a sequence.

Not necessarily, according to this definition at least - it doesn't seem to make a difference whether they play simultaneously or one plays after the other..
duet |d(y)oōˈet|
a performance by two people, esp. singers, instrumentalists, or dancers.
• a musical composition for two
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Charlie McDonald

out of the blue
Post  Posted 27 May 2015 2:44 am    
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The parts in this sequence do dovetail; the ends of the pieces fit together well, and that's all it takes for me to be a duet.

I can see why Baz is your top pick.
Those that say don't know; those that know don't say.--Buddy Emmons
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Alan Brookes

Brummy living in Southern California
Post  Posted 28 May 2015 12:35 pm    
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Yes, Basil and I used to be neighbours, but were completely unaware of each other. It took the Steel Guitar Forum to bring us together after I had moved 5000 miles away. I thought I was a steel guitarist until I worked with Basil. He is, by far, the best-informed steel guitarist I have ever known. Indeed, his brain works so fast that even the best musician has difficulty keeping up with him. For many years, he had a radio station in Ireland, and he is the one that the BBC call upon regularly for consultation, having organised many recording studios.
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