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Author Topic:  VERY basic PSG questions
nick allen


Post  Posted 13 Nov 2003 8:12 am    
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Well, I am once again seriously considering the idea of taking up the pedal guitar, and researching accordingly...
Is the string spacing on PSGs pretty much standard? i.e. I know that on non-pedal guitars, Sierra's have noticeably wider string spacing than Fenders, for example - do these differences exist on pedal guitars? also, will string spacing be tighter on a 12-string than a 10-string?
Along the same lines, can the pedal spacing be adjusted on most PSGs? (I understand it's pretty easy on GFI's). The reason for both these questions is that I'm 6'5", with big hands and big feet... I realize one can learn to cope with anything, but I figure I might as well make it as easy as possible physically - there are enough problems ahead!
Thanks in advance
P.S. I am aware of the probable need for rod/leg extenders...
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chris ivey

california (deceased)
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2003 10:24 am    
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nick, have you considered a leg/hand/foot reduction?
my old sho-bud string spacing was a little wider than my emmons p/p and my zum. and my older p/p with 8 floor pedals is noticably wider than the one set up originally with 10 pedals (now 9). most newer steels pedals are somewhat close, but the pedals are smaller, allowing comfortable spacing between. i've had a little trouble hitting individual pedals wearing tennis shoes like alot of pickers do, but i've played mainly wearing pointy toed cowboy boots all my life which is easier for me to 'toe in' on the pedals.
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