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Author Topic:  Alto Stealth Wireless PA Speaker System
George Redmon

Muskegon & Detroit Michigan.
Post  Posted 6 May 2015 5:54 pm    
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Has anyone tried the Alto Stealth wireless speaker System besides me? YUK! it had more drop outs then night school in the dead of winter. And a lot of noise.

I sent it back and got a refund. I talked to a lady friend of mine, also a forum member, and she said she was using a wireless guitar system to hookup her powered speakers huh? Is this healthy. I have two of these Sony units I'm not using right now, was gonna sell them on the forum. Is there any reason they wouldn't work as she claims? Something I'm over looking? If I smell smoke, i'll hit the off switch. Any advice is appreciated.
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Craig Baker

Eatonton, Georgia, USA - R.I.P.
Post  Posted 6 May 2015 6:32 pm    
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Hi George,
My concern would be the audio levels. If they're designed to be driven buy a guitar, the mixer level going into your transmitter would be too high. On the other end, the level coming out of the receiver would probably be too low. To do this properly, you would need a line level wireless system. I believe they are available in the marketplace. Somewhere.

Perhaps Scott Duckworth may post an answer.

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Scott Duckworth

Etowah, TN Western Foothills of the Smokies
Post  Posted 7 May 2015 3:42 am    
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I have found just about everything in the wireless realm to be problematic. If cell phones don't interfere with it, something else does. I even built a set of beam antennas for 600MHz for our wireless mics at church to try to overcome cell phone interference, and our stage is only 50 feet away. Call me old fashioned, give me a cable anytime.

There is some 2.4GHz stuff, I haven't tried it, and probably won't because of all the proliferation of stuff in that band.

Until the FCC sets aside a dedicated band, which will probably require licenses, wireless will be prone to interference.
Amateur Radio Operator NA4IT (Extra)

I may, in fact, be nuts. However, I am screwed onto the right bolt... Jesus!
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 7 May 2015 3:57 am    
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For most of us, wireless is to be avoided unless absolutely needed. As Scott notes, too many potentials for interference.

Some of the High $$ digital stuff that is used probably is OK, but most of us cannot afford (or don't want to afford) that.

In ref to "instrument level" into a device designed for "line level". If there is enough gain in the line level device it will work, but the Signal to Noise ratio will probably be bad (noisy). In most cases instrument level into a device designed for line level is to be avoided.
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