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Seeking Some Pointers for Recording into Garage Band

Posted: 25 Mar 2015 8:31 am
by Mark Hershey
I have an Apogee one and I use a direct input with guitar through a Garageband amp to record my ideas.

Any pointers for best way to record pedal steel into Garageband mostly for just practice purposes. I really just want to record along with jam tracks and listen back to my playing.

Many thanks!

Posted: 25 Mar 2015 9:42 am
by John Owen
For practice purposes, I use basically the same approach as you describe for your guitar on PSG as well. It's actually easier for me to get a decent recorded sound going direct and using the software's amp simulator than trying to mic my amp when I am trying to keep it quite enough not to wake my family up. I just set the amp simulator for a cleaner sound than I would typically use for guitar. Other than that, pretty much the same deal.

Posted: 25 Mar 2015 10:21 am
by Mark Hershey
John Owen wrote:For practice purposes, I use basically the same approach as you describe for your guitar on PSG as well. It's actually easier for me to get a decent recorded sound going direct and using the software's amp simulator than trying to mic my amp when I am trying to keep it quite enough not to wake my family up. I just set the amp simulator for a cleaner sound than I would typically use for guitar. Other than that, pretty much the same deal.
You have any suggestions for settings? I've tried tooling around and haven't been able to find a reasonable sound.

Perhaps its just a matter of tweaking the volume and master level until I find something I can live with.

Posted: 25 Mar 2015 3:07 pm
by John Owen
I don't recall exact settings at the moment. I have been using Logic Express instead of Garage Band for quite a while. Some of the plug-ins in Logic Express are from Garage Band and others are just in Logic. Not sure which are which off the top of my head.

I'll try to take a look when I get home. In general though, I tend to go with a pretty low setting on the volume/gain knob (around 2 or 3 on a scale of 10) and adjust the 'master' volume to taste. I also tend to roll back the treble to 3 or 4 and boost the mid and low a little. Obviously though, that stuff is totally up to personal taste. If it still sounds thin after messing with the eq settings, you might try a dash of light compression (comp ratio of 2:1 or lower). If you go that route, I'd suggest starting with one of the 'light compression' presets for vocals and adjusting from there. Don't tell the compressor police on SGF though.

Posted: 25 Mar 2015 5:14 pm
by Mark Hershey
I apologize, I didn't realize there was a recording section on the forum...I started a different thread over there. Thanks for your response John, I will try that out.