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George Kimery


Limestone, TN, USA
Post  Posted 20 Mar 2015 8:50 am    
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I understand that Telonics, Quilter, and Vintage Vibe, and probably others, were represented. Was anybody doing comparative shopping and made a decision as to which amp was for you? Did they all sound great, but different? Did any particular one really make your ears smile and would be one that you would love to have in your stable?

I know this is quite subjective and if I ask three people, I will probably get three different opinions. The people playing the guitars would be a hugh factor as well as the guitar being used,amp setting, etc. If you didn't actually play through them yourself, but just listened, it may be tough call.
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Stephen Cowell

Round Rock, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 20 Mar 2015 9:20 pm    
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George, I got to spend some time with the Quilter mini... 200w, 8" speaker... really good sounding amp (I played a Strat through it). We had the Luker Chameleon upstairs in the Non-Pedal Room... look for the video thread in the Steel Without Pedals section to hear folks playing through it. It's only 30w, with two 6L6's... they also make a 100w amp for steel, it would have been overkill for us. Everyone loved the Luker, real smooth sound. I got to hear a Classic Tube Amps in the Jackson booth, and of course Telonics had a big effort there. I was really amazed that the solid state amps hung with the tube amps as well as they did, the Quilter was top-notch, and a really nice compact package... but the Luker was sweet. Sage Benado had a 15w tube amp (EL84's) he was demoing... he's going to build it into his floor pedals, believe it or not... I spent some time with that one too, very transparent, really showed off his effects well.
Too much junk to list... always getting more.
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